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thebadpixel t1_j4hnayi wrote

Yeah, this sucks, but I can’t help but be reminded of the forests that used to stand in the US before whole states were clear cut to fuel the economy and make the US what it became today. You’ve all seen the photos of massive redwoods cut by two smiling guys holding a 20 foot saw. Imagine at that time if other countries had pressured the US to stop cutting those old growth forests. Would we have listened? Hell no. So, with that in mind, how do we (we who already clear cut our great forests) convince a poorer nation like Honduras to stop cutting their forests? How much are those remaining forests worth to the rich nations? The oil nations got rich off their resources. Honduras should get equally rich off of preserving the lungs of the world.


decorama OP t1_j4ho989 wrote

We know much more today about the consequences of the damage we make to our forests than we did in the 1800s.

It would be ideal if countries banded together to preserve natural resources.


thebadpixel t1_j4hpfch wrote

My point is, if other countries had come to us in the 1800's and told us what we were doing was really bad, would we have listened? Anytime outside countries are telling a country not to make money off of the resources they can see out their window... it's a hard sell.

In this case, they're clearing for cattle ranches. I doubt all that beef is staying in Honduras. It needs to be made more profitable to leave the trees standing.


dxrey65 t1_j4ieato wrote

If someone from here, which was once a thriving city in a forested wetland, stopped by to let us know what happens when you abuse the environment, maybe someone would listen?

But the problem is people trash what they have, and don't listen until it's too late. People not caring is the real problem, not the people who have made mistakes and who try to educate others so not everyone has to screw up.


sudeepharya t1_j4iq9sk wrote

Itinfuriates me as an American the US dictates nuclear and atomic policy while they are the only country on earth to drop one and then another one on Japan.

Yet here we are.
