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_CDXX_LXIX t1_j5jk6tk wrote

Unless I’ve been missing a buried menu option for years, Google Maps still doesn’t have any speed trap warnings on iOS—and I really prefer how Waze displays speed limit info over how GM does.

But GM is much better for planning routes with multiple stops, searching for nearby destinations of interest, and saving/tagging destinations and making lists. GM also has more options for home screen widgets, which I use a lot.

As an iPhone user, I’m always switching back and forth between the two—Waze for highway driving and for places where I’m unfamiliar with speed limits, and GM for more complex routes or in new cities, etc.

So combining the two could be a really good thing in some universe, but unfortunately, in this universe, I have a feeling Google will fuck it up.


LurkerPatrol t1_j5jrw5b wrote

Google maps shows the icons for it but doesn’t give an audible warning like Waze does


5150_Ewok t1_j5kczfm wrote

Yeah, I just took a drive and google maps shows cops conveniently at the bottom of a big hill that’s around a blindish corner. So by the time you see them it’s way too late.


Formergr t1_j5k044o wrote

> But GM is much better for planning routes with multiple stops, searching for nearby destinations of interest,

Yup, the "search along way" feature is so so helpful, showing you which location of X chain restaurant or store or whatever is the least amount of detour. Very helpful on long trips.


Puredowner t1_j5km355 wrote

If they remove the speedometer that waze has I will riot.


ablatner t1_j5l4iwm wrote

I thought Maps also had a speedometer.


Ellecram t1_j5lz88u wrote

My Android GM has the speed I am driving and the speed limit. When I go over the speed limit it turns red.


sirbissel t1_j5kty3y wrote

Yep, I think that one feature is why I prefer Waze over Maps, for when I -think- the speed limit is 35 because the road feels like it should be, but it turns out it's 25 or something...


bleestein t1_j5jxxte wrote

Apple Maps in CarPlay has gotten a little better with reporting speed traps and other obstacles. Still not as good as Waze, but something they are definitely implementing. At one point Apple Maps was even showing weather along routes, which was nice, but I think they deprecated that for some reason.


Plays_On_TrainTracks t1_j5koof0 wrote

My Google maps on Android has had speed traps and speed cameras reported and shown on the map for years now.

The person below said it doesn't give an audible warning. It def does for speed traps but not cameras. That's actually how I found out about the feature.


sovamind OP t1_j5n9o02 wrote

It sometimes does...but not nearly as reliably as Waze. Waze also shows you cops on the other side which is helpful b cause they often do loops.


Many-Wrangler-16 t1_j5kb69t wrote

Same here. I do a lot of highway drives and GM sucks. I tried switching back and forth GM to waze and GM it’s just not for me. And I know for sure once they merge, they will fuck that one up like any other product. To make it even worse I bet you they will make it paid membership to see the speed traps… just mark my words…


rtb001 t1_j5kzz6v wrote

Waze seems utterly incapable of search, period. With GMap I can just say navigate to the closest library/Burger King/whatever, and it'll find it and immediately plot a route to it. With Waze it'll find you a Starbucks 3 counties over for some reason and decide that is somehow the closest place you requested.


scarabbrian t1_j5kmdhf wrote

I use Google Maps on my iPhone for speed traps. It does display them, but it seems like you have to be interacting with the reporting feature regularly for it show. Like if I report something it will show me where other people have reported, but if I don't it won't.


TheMindfulnessShaman t1_j5ndrhc wrote

> Unless I’ve been missing a buried menu option for years, Google Maps still doesn’t have > any > speed trap warnings on iOS—and I really prefer how Waze displays speed limit info over how GM does.

Please entrepreneurs of the future, do NOT sell your innovations and ideas out to oligarchs who get rid of a "Do no evil" clause from their mission statement.

In ten years people will be trying to buy PS3s for millions of USD as the Titan-esque MNCs consume, paywall, and cripple all the services, entertainment, and memories that we take for granted now but which are getting backed up to "the cloud" (aka, bye bye).

I mean has Adobe's toolkit been usably performant since going SaaS?

Now add nation-state level cyberattacks and dishonest brokers within and on the BoDs of these companies.

It's a clusterfuck.