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Ok_Store_1983 t1_j2ye2pv wrote

Good. Also glad he had to pay a bunch in restitution. I can't imagine being a student that worked their ass off to get into a school only to have your spot stolen by Aunt Becky's daughter that admittedly only wants to be there for the parties.


dripitydrip t1_j2zdzui wrote

He's going to jail because rich families were paying bribes to him, instead of the more traditional forms of bribery like buying a plaque with your name on it for a new building or bench on campus. This doesn't help regular people get into schools, it just makes it more expensive for rich people to buy their way in.

He helped rich people fuck over even richer people, and the institutions can't have that


goodbetterbestbested t1_j2zgwnm wrote

That's a bingo. Why did Elizabeth Holmes and Sam Bankman-Fried get in so much trouble? Same reason, they scammed dumbass rich people and exposed how dumb they are (though such exposure was not their goal)


blahblahlablah t1_j32aoua wrote

Let's hope SBF gets in a lot of trouble. He hasn't been find guilty of anything yet.


leilaniko t1_j34ufq4 wrote

Billions of Dollars gone, yeah he's getting some charges. You don't fuck over the real rich people with a B instead of the rich people with M's.


tristanjones t1_j2zs9xr wrote

They didn't call it the side door for no reason after all. The back door was already a thing


Eduardjm t1_j3214y2 wrote

Literally this. The side door has always been there. It’s not even an open secret it’s basically advertised. He just cut out the institutions and that was where he drew fire.


Bob_Sconce t1_j2ysg70 wrote

Yeah, but.... Contribute enough to the college, and they'll admit your kid. Always a couple of spots open every year for big donors.


GymAndGarden t1_j30yr53 wrote

No. I personally know some of the families who were involved (not close friends, just acquaintances in the beach town I live in, so we’d be at the same parties).

The reason this guy developed a side door was that for even very wealthy people, donating does not (in today’s times) guarantee a spot. People have donated millions, only to see the university pull an ethical move and deny their kid a spot.

Thats why this guy’s side door through sports spots was so enticing and very effective. The rich kids who bought buildings were too high profile and direct to be all let in, every time.

But the sport spots were guaranteed.

The FBI even mentions this misconception in their PDF’s for the case, these are public and posted online at the Justice Department.

You’ll have fun reading the investigation!


desepticon t1_j3277g0 wrote

The big donors pay for all the fancy facilities and scholarships at top schools. Win win for everyone.


Captcha_Imagination t1_j32onv7 wrote

Good? This is a travesty of justice. He might do one year in jail before they let him out.

He gives back 10 million......from the 50+ million he probably stole. And all those students who never got in because their spots were stolen will never be made whole.

He looks old but he's only 62 years old. In a short while he will be out enjoying his fortune.


pimpeachment t1_j30kmg1 wrote

Imagine thinking that going to one of these exclusive schools actually gives you a better education than a cheap accredited school. Imagine how you went to those schools for "the connections" so that you yourself could be advantaged over other people. Imagine using those connections to take advantage and sneak your kids into an "elite" college. Gotta maintain the cycle protect the rich from the rich.
