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atlantis_airlines t1_j2zypr1 wrote


Kanye west is the canary in a coal mine. He isn't the cause of the problem, just an indicator that there is one. And Israel was created as a safe heaven for Jews after the most intense period of antisemitism the world had seen to date. Antisemitism already existed well before either.

It's something that comes and goes and is self propagating. Antisemitism exists because people fall for rumors about groups they distrust, and they distrust these groups because there are rumors about them. Read a pamphlet about the dangers of Jews issued by the Nazis and it's the same claims and rhetoric from the medieval period. and the same stuff that's being thrown around today. No matter the era, there are people who will just hate jews and they all quote from the same stupid book.


calm_chowder t1_j30u782 wrote

Not to mention antisemitism has existed in an almost unbroken chain for 2000 years. What we're seeing today didn't spring to life out of thin air, it's a link in a chain.


nygaff t1_j3531pj wrote

Keep going... the Roman's weren't the first by any means.