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OneofLittleHarmony t1_j308d02 wrote

As a Jew, I find the paywall frustrating. I think any non-Jew would feel the same.


croooooooozer t1_j30gjk3 wrote

I hate paywalls. I'm not a jew, but I am dutch soooo


OneofLittleHarmony t1_j30h3gl wrote

My grandmother was dutch! Maybe that is why.


CedarWolf t1_j30y1a1 wrote

Of course. The only walls the Dutch like are dikes. The seawalls keep the sea out and the fields dry.


donfind t1_j31jubs wrote

Telling a family secret? We can't afford to lose no horses lols


squidking78 t1_j314rjx wrote

As a non Jew I appreciate you not calling us that other word!
