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nygaff t1_j352wak wrote

Why does a county smaller than New Jersey need to take people from ANY genocide? The US doesn't even come close to doing that. It is an absurd standard for you to be having.


squidking78 t1_j353idr wrote

Because, it’s a thing Israel make a point about, to validate their quest for an ethnostate. Any other nation on earth with such a stated goal would be considered racist or bigoted, to western eyes.

Size has nothing to do with if a nation is compassionate or not.

You actually think only “big” countries should take refugees? Sweden, Australia, NZ, places like that, put their money where their mouth is. Even modern Germany.

The US does indeed take many refugees. It does not have an ethnocentric “right of return”.


Sidewinder702 t1_j3auk26 wrote

Well so many western countries and Allies are ethnostates. Look at Japan they barely allow any immigration at all even though their population is decreasing and their workforce is shrinking. It’s the same with pretty much the same with all of America’s Allies in Asia. Poland and Hungary are EU states and although they let in lots of refugees from Ukraine they refused to let in Syrians, Africans or basically any refugees that weren’t white.


squidking78 t1_j3dibof wrote

… none of the nations you cite are traditional western countries. Western values have issues with them as well. I take a dim view of autocrats or nations who think their emperor is god too, historically. None of that is healthy.

But we’re talking about Israel.


Sidewinder702 t1_j3ro5bz wrote

Well I’m just pointing out Israel isn’t that unique when it comes to that. There are a lot of ethnostates in the world, and despite what values the western world preaches it still Allies itself with many of them .


squidking78 t1_j3ruknh wrote

They’re entirely different to Israel anyway, with Israel being a nation of immigrants. The only immigrant based ethnostate in the world. At least the other nations you cite just exist there because the people via being there are “a nation of blood”. As xenophobic as they may be currently.

Only the West has nations based on ideas rather than “blood”. And Israel isn’t one of them. That needs to change.


Sidewinder702 t1_j40pdo9 wrote

Actually that’s not entirely true. Israel allows Jewish converts of any ethnicity as far as I understand. Also I know a lot of the countries I referred to like Poland and Vietnam allow people with those ethnicities to come and live there and get citizenship easily. Which isn’t true for other people.


squidking78 t1_j42im3o wrote

The only prerequisites that modern, less bigoted states have on immigrating is skill, familial connection and humanitarian need.

Not ethnicity, religion or race.

When you look at the nation without the marketed special status by the Israel lobby, the west would not support such bigoted ways by a country that ever deemed itself as part of their grouping.

Be a nation, not an enclave. Demographics are against it anyway, so make it an idea, not a racial identity.


Sidewinder702 t1_j45x2ek wrote

Don’t forget about money. In many western countries you can basically buy citizenship by investing a lot of money so it’s not all altruistic. Also it isn’t just the Israeli lobby that makes the US favor Isreal. The US likes having an ally in the Middle East that will do what it wants. It’s the same with Saudi Arabia but even more so with Israel.