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Opposite_of_a_Cynic t1_j33it9f wrote

This is accurate. Congress could be raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations to remove money from the national supply. Why not take it from the ones with more than enough to lose?


mtarascio t1_j37zbdu wrote

Don't forget they were all gifted a ton of money during COVID.


randomguy987654321 t1_j33ykpj wrote

And use that tax money to help me pay for rent and food by doing exactly what.

I'm not saying I disagree. I'm just saying, reddit needs to learn to be at least as competent as Judge Judy and follow the money. How does this help me stop the price of rent hikes or put money in my pocket every month for rent?


Jamber_Jamber t1_j34k9c4 wrote

More taxes add more to the reserves which allows more spending for aid projects.

It COULD theoretically be used for a new first time home buyer program, or housing assistance program.

It's money that goes into the reserves. That you lack imagination on how it can be used is not the fault of the practice.

And these projects again come from those in congress, so people need to vote with conviction.


foreverpsycotic t1_j35zjpg wrote

More taxes mean higher rent. Pass the cost onto the consumer.
