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World_Navel t1_j5ivr48 wrote

“India blocks it” no, it’s actually Modi that blocks it. Let’s call a spade a spade.


Faggaultt t1_j5j4vqh wrote

You missed the part where the majority of the Hindu population blindly follows Modi especially because of his blatant racism and Hindu supremacist views. A funny thing about Hinduism and the Brahman Caste, these clowns have been thinking they’re superior to everyone else for thousands of years, you can find plenty of stories by stranger being flabbergasted by this state of mind. Sadly things haven’t evolved much since then


MC_chrome t1_j5jjwot wrote

Legitimate question: why are we still calling India and Turkey democracies when they are pretty transparently theocracies nowadays?


FlyingFlyofHell t1_j5jo1rg wrote

Because Modi is still elected representative as he has won fair elections. The problem in India is that the Opposition doesn't have any proper candidate. You are stuck between Modi or Rahul Gandhi who most of the public didn't like but opposition is not moving away from him because he is Great Grand son of First Indian Prime Minister, Grand Son of First female Prime Minister and Son of a Prime Minister. The whole Opposition party is surrounding only one family and the list of the Corruption that party did is way too long to write. I can confirm they are not winning in 2024 also as they have not learned a thing after 2 losses. It is kind of similar to US thing but if Both Candidates are not good But you have to elect one which is less problematic and will actually do some development. like Yeah Modi do have that hard Conservative ideas but he is best politician regarding infrastructure development for the country as the movement he has won the Infra projects are Getting fast and new projects are getting announced and completed. He is also good regarding welfare schemes.

And even if India is Multi party parliamentary Democracy only Two Big Parties BJP and Congress actually have chances of Forming governments. There is a 3rd party emerging in India Called AAP but it will take more than decade for them to be any threat to the BJP.

Modi party BJP got 37% vote in last election Congress 20% other 42% is distributed among different parties which then chose to form coalition between one of these two parties.

So even if the majority of the country is not voted for you the country has the first past post voting system you will win.

So Yeah conclusion is until and unless Opposition don't bring any good candidate and assure public there won't be any corruptions and they will focus on Their promises , Modi and BJP will be winning elections.


Shmodecious t1_j5jnk92 wrote

…because India has legitimate elections?

What do you think democracy is, when the government never does anything bad?


[deleted] t1_j5jpcja wrote



automatesaltshaker t1_j5jqn2b wrote

We’ll the US isn’t a democracy. It’s a Democratic republic. So by that measure half of Reddit would be right.


GourangaPlusPlus t1_j5jrjya wrote

> We’ll the US isn’t a democracy. It’s a Democratic republic

My man, that's not a mutually exclusive statement

It's both


MC_chrome t1_j5jp5uq wrote

If every action a government takes is based off of the religious beliefs of a particular group, that isn’t really a democracy anymore. As Modi has more than shown the world, he is perfectly content with using the Hindu religion to justify committing a number of horrible atrocities.


Cranyx t1_j5jruzx wrote

> If every action a government takes is based off of the religious beliefs of a particular group, that isn’t really a democracy anymore.

If that group is the majority, then yes it is. I'm not sure you grasp what a democracy is. What you're almost getting at is the fact that democracy is not infallible. Terrible things can be done democratically.


Shmodecious t1_j5jtnmb wrote

So if religious people vote for religious things, that isn’t democracy?

Look, I think democracy is better than any alternatives. But you’re being naively idealistic about it.


BridgetheDivide t1_j5jpaw9 wrote

A reminder that Gandhi's chief complaint was that Indians were being treated the same as Black people lol


huge_throbbing_pp OP t1_j5jsdrx wrote

> brahman caste

RSS is, by design, anti caste. That is one thing that is excellent about them. They promote equality among Hindus.


Lallo-the-Long t1_j5ji70v wrote

I thought the caste system in India was largely ignored these days, is that not true? (I know next to nothing about the country currently but i have a smattering of knowledge about Indian history.)


SloaneWolfe t1_j5jrmo2 wrote

It is very much so alive and well. Bottom castes (those who work without documentation or pay, given food scraps instead), still exist. For legitimate businesses too.


FlyingFlyofHell t1_j5jolg1 wrote

Yes things have improved a lot but it still exists specially in Rural Areas. Especially regarding Marriages. Most of them are still happening within the castes in the Rural Areas.


Lallo-the-Long t1_j5jpa94 wrote

I take it there's a big difference between rural and urban areas?


FlyingFlyofHell t1_j5jq0gw wrote

Yes you can say that. but there is rapid Urbanization happening and so the outlook is good. But it will take at least 2 more decades IMO.


[deleted] t1_j5jphjx wrote



SloaneWolfe t1_j5jr5lf wrote

why proselytize if you feel superior to everyone else? you don't make a good point here.

Also, who cares about proselytizing when you have people getting murdered by mobs over transporting cows, or accidentally hitting them on the road (as they're allowed to roam wherever they like)


[deleted] t1_j5jrtts wrote



Faggaultt t1_j5jt0cr wrote

Hinduism isn’t like Abrahamic religions. They aren’t trying to convert you to save your soul or to worship their gods. It’s all about social structure and hierarchy. Something you wouldn’t understand if you see it through a Judeo Christian way


Diz7 t1_j5jtsf4 wrote

>believe their religion is superior yet don’t want new converts

Using that logic, caste systems wouldn't exist. Just because one group thinks they are superior doesn't mean they want to invite people they consider inferior into their group. In fact it's usually the opposite.


[deleted] t1_j5jljs4 wrote



liberocinderace t1_j5jm8ed wrote

Kings are considered a lower caste than Brahmin. A major reason why India never centralized like China did was because of how powerful the Brahmin are.


Faggaultt t1_j5jobvm wrote

Lol he is still from a upper caste and not a Dalit.