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fullload93 t1_j6lgzk5 wrote

2 weeks? Dude you can do everything in the park in about 4 or 5 day’s maximum. 2 weeks would be insane lol.


shamblingman t1_j6likkx wrote

No way a family could do everything at all four parks in 4 or 5 days. Not possible.


X3TheBigOX3 t1_j6ly766 wrote

And even if they did, they would just be constantly doing stuff all the time. That becomes exhausting, and you can't enjoy everything. I go for a week minimum, but usually longer. I like to have a rest day after a few days of the park. Then do another 3 days. Then relax for a day or two before heading home. Makes the trip much more enjoyable when you're not trying to squeeze everything in. Nothing is worse than being tired, cranky, and miserable at a park. You spend a ton of money on these trips, you want to enjoy yourself. I usually go once a year, and that's how I do it. Any other way would be miserable.