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BlackGold09 t1_j6lczsa wrote

Oh it holds up. Pure thrills and cheese. What a ride!


MakeMeDoBetter t1_j6lzh83 wrote

All the seasons?


BlackGold09 t1_j6m0bu1 wrote

It drags a little bit in later seasons but I’ve been through 3 times and I don’t skip anything


p001b0y t1_j6me2gq wrote

It's kind of the same show every season but it is fun.


DonnieJuniorsEmails t1_j6nf6ph wrote

She was only in S7-8, yeah those were good.

S1&2 was great just because it was such a new concept to have real time scenes. S5 was great because Logan is such a compelling villain.

I hate s3 for the "Jack uses heroin" plot device they could ignore at any time, and S4 and S6 sucked because all the CTU agents were getting kidnapped all the time.

S9 was weird because its only half a day in London. Decent but feels very different.


MakeMeDoBetter t1_j6nl1xd wrote

Well here I was, wondering if I should watch a couple of seasons. And you tell me there are 9?


DonnieJuniorsEmails t1_j6nm52p wrote

8.5 really. They cut the last one short for budget and low viewership, but the excuse was cutting out filler time. Every season has some junky side plots, often involving Jack's super hot but awful daughter. S1 has a particularly bad amnesia plot straight out of soap operas, but they do have lots of action so its still ok at low points.

Seasons usually start slow, but it has a lot of the excitement that Game Of Thrones had because you really never know when they'll just kill off an important character. Its such a thing that in S9, the president tells Jack to stay away from his daughter because "everyone who gets close to you dies horribly".