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jetbag513 t1_j61ul09 wrote

That's great. There is usually an exception and looks like you're one.


theonlyepi t1_j61yc0l wrote

Maybe I was. I believe sad/shocking/disturbing news gets more clicks than stories like mine. People read a couple bad stories of places that are unethical, and just assume they're all like that and have the pitchforks ready. Be careful about how you create bias in your head with choice-fed bits of information!


torpedoguy t1_j647td8 wrote

Glad you got to a good one, but yes, you can consider yourself exceptionally lucky.

The reason the bad ones get in the news in 'bursts' is they get shuffled; a bad one gets shut down after going too far - but only that. It starts up again and does as bad or worse, until it's caught again a few more times.

Eventually after years of this they finally touch someone they shouldn't or a big enough news station gets involved, and that is when the entire stack of complaints and related incidents gets on the news. So less a clickbait affair with these, more a "file cabinet of complaints" found in a basement under some dead kids we finally sift through.