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spyder728 t1_j5lssy8 wrote

I find it crazy how Tsay took over the gun but just tell the gunman to go away. I would've fired the whole magazine back on the guy if the guy moves a single muscle.

Let's be real, it is the US. Most gun owners have more than 1 gun. All mass shooters have more than 1 gun.

I ain't taking my chance like the guy did. This ain't some kiddie superhero movie "heroes don't kill" shit, this is survival.


cinnamon-swirl-girl t1_j5ltbzd wrote

the kid is only 26 years old and i dont think he is the type to fire a gun at somebody if its not absolutely nessessary. Everyone is different and they respond to stress and situations differently. He is a family member of the owner of Lai Lai dance studio


spyder728 t1_j5ltxaz wrote

> the kid is only 26 years old and i dont think he is the type to fire a gun at somebody if its not absolutely nessessary.

That I do share the stance, that's why I used the word for survival.


cinnamon-swirl-girl t1_j5me588 wrote

I honestly think he noticed Huu Can Tran did not have another gun or isnt trying to actively grab for another gun so he knew maybe he have won the fight by getting ahold of it and tried to escalate as less violent as possible without hurting himself or anyone else.


spyder728 t1_j5mehwa wrote

Maybe, but sometimes it is fucking hard to tell especially in tense situation like that. I ain't risking that bet if Tran pulls anything funny. Not a game there.

Especially letting that guy go. Like who knows wtf is he going to pick up and come back. That ain't something I would let him do.


HardcoreSux t1_j5m9ixn wrote

guy talks about kiddie superhero movie and thinks he would be a hero in his situation

real good job internet hero


spyder728 t1_j5meb2o wrote

It is not being hero. This is about survival. Who fucking knows if he has another gun. You gunna let him pull it and fire at you before you react? That situation is his life or my life.


sirthunksalot t1_j5mcslo wrote

I agree I would worry he had another gun in the car. I'm sure he wasn't thinking straight after fighting some maniac with a gun.