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HyperbolicLetdown t1_j5urqur wrote

This is like when you find out Exxon has a climate scientist.


Bobinct t1_j5utksu wrote

Because they intend to take human rights violations to a new level?


tomorrow509 t1_j5ulxyg wrote

No surprise here. Oligarch's entitlements have trumped basic human rights since the day Putin took power.


Modern_Bear t1_j5ugybn wrote

The only human rights Putin cares about are his, although calling him a human is a stretch. He's more like a dung beetle, rolling shit into a ball and trying to impress the rest of the world with his big ball of shit.


ucatione t1_j5umdfi wrote

It looks like the end of the headline got cut off. It should say:

Moscow Helsinki Group: Russia's oldest human rights organization told to close all their windows


thecoffee t1_j5xt75r wrote

Me before opening the article "Oldest human rights group in Russia? I wonder how long they've been around."

Article: "... founded in 1976 ..."

Me: "Ah, makes sense."


SparkStormrider t1_j5yxzfr wrote

Russian human rights... the very definition of an oxymoron.


Bitter_Director1231 t1_j6105nn wrote

No need to keep it open under the current regime. They have less than zero interests in human rights. The world has seen it first hand.


Anonymoustard t1_j5ulz47 wrote

Or move their offices into a high floor of a hotel


stein63 t1_j5vdaiq wrote

Does it even matter, it's not like anything they say will be entertained by Russia.


crackhousebob t1_j62yh9p wrote

I think it's illegal to show empathy in Russia. Straight to the gulag for helping someone.