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S_K_Y t1_j3jqi7z wrote

Marijuana infused drinks are the alternate option. They give you the "high" but so far hasn't to my knowledge inflict any long-term damage that I have read anywhere.


BigBrownDog12 t1_j3jucc6 wrote

Marijuana and alcohol highs are not really the same and can't really be used as a substitution for someone looking for the other


S_K_Y t1_j3k0oi5 wrote

True but my point was that it's currently the closest thing on the market. I drink alcohol and I've had marijuana drinks. There is a difference but I can't think of anything else that is close and readily available.


Kevbot1000 t1_j3ksc0q wrote

My partner and I go for zero-alcohol beers, then drop water soluble THC in it (benefits of Canadian weed legality) and that's been a game changer for us.


marasaidw t1_j3mrh5x wrote

thats a good idea, because weed beverages always have too much thc to just be drank as a bottle.