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[deleted] t1_j3ktxku wrote

Dude meth addiction is not better than any other. Been there and it’s an ugly ass road. Legal weed or even coke I can back. But not crack, meth, opiates. And really not sure if I actually back those others. I used to use anything I could get my hands on and I hate that part of my life.

Maybe just having safe havens to use is the answer. So if you OD (which I did and luckily got saved) people are around to help you


Boredandtiredbroke t1_j3lx3m7 wrote

Are you me? For real though, I'm up for safe spaces to use. I know addiction can be tough as fuck but some people just need relief from the real world. Hard or soft substances, matters not, as long as said person isn't put in a position that endangers themselves or others.

Also also, meth addiction really sucks but alcoholism is the fuckin worse. The whole dying thing isn't cool and if you're epileptic that sorta makes things worse.