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meatball77 t1_j58v4bk wrote

Oh, it's worse. There were complaints, I think from one of the parents and they said they couldn't do anything about it because visitors are allowed.

The University is at fault for this. They did not protect the young adults in their care.


Justforthenuews t1_j5alzgo wrote

Were cops called? Security? Did the school stop investigations? So many possible places of failure here.


meatball77 t1_j5aqc97 wrote

Nothing. The school told the parents and people that complained that they were overreacting and there wasn't anything they could do because they are allowed to have overnight guests.

The real criminality didn't happen until they were off campus. But he was using the campus and student housing to prey on and recruit the young people. He turned their living room into a place to brainwash and groom those kids.


Murky_Conflict3737 t1_j5fd35k wrote

I can’t believe that. My university had very strict rules about visitors in the dorms and how long they could stay. Granted, this was a public university, not a small private one.


meatball77 t1_j5ffktf wrote

Some small liberal arts colleges are really weird and push into being really weird. I'm guessing that is what happened here. It was student housing but it wasn't a dorm, it was a small house with a bunch of students living in it.