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[deleted] t1_j3o9fbm wrote


Mute2120 t1_j3ockij wrote

Trump was still president on Jan 6th.


Banea-Vaedr t1_j3ocox9 wrote

He was not controlling the head of DOJ when the prosecutions began. And you and me both know they'd have all been let off if he was


CyanideKitty t1_j3oj2x9 wrote

Those being arrested in 2020 were getting let off days after they were arrested because there wasn't enough probable cause or evidence to charge them. All under Trump. So please explain how it's Biden's fault that people had charges dropped in June 2020.


helloisforhorses t1_j3r84sf wrote

He was controlling the head of the doj on jan 6 when people were allowed to go home


Robbotlove t1_j3oc8qm wrote

>BLM rioters

this is horse shit.


Banea-Vaedr t1_j3odsst wrote

There's dozens of articles about it you can read, it was a really big deal at the time


[deleted] t1_j3ofduq wrote



[deleted] t1_j3ofhmv wrote



GhettoChemist t1_j3olqfx wrote

So nothing? Nothing is your answer. Got it, ace. Great job.


abstractism t1_j3ox4st wrote

Translation: I have nothing so I'm gonna tell you to look up whatever supports my weak bullshit argument.


skilledwarman t1_j3sk59r wrote

"Do your own reaserch!!

... Because I sure as shit didn't do mine"


PopeOri t1_j3oeyl0 wrote

Are you having a stroke right now?