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Morat20 t1_j5ueqjz wrote

I took a peek around -- in addition to their algorithm being deeply broken (it was not unusual for me to log on, see the newest post being 12 to 20 hours old, half "recommended for you" shit -- none of it I was interested in, etc -- I had to turn to chronological to have a readable feed) a casual look at, say, any trans account would see a horde of new bots just responding with basic misgendering to any post. (just auto-replies of "Okay Sir" to trans women, etc). I suspect you'd find various other forms of cheerfully botted bigotry towards any minority on there, and of course as noted he's actively re-platforming actual Nazis.

This is important because Twitter is fucking bleeding Elon's money dry, and their algorithm is what drives their ad sales (the idea that they can put the right ad in front of the right eyeballs) and the bigots drive away ad sales.

He's basically stomping on his own nuts, and costing himself billions a year. It's fucking amazing. I've literally never seen someone that rich so determined to go broke.

I'm literally wondering if he's a masochist.