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PastNectarine5852 t1_j6158x0 wrote

Only in certain circumstances, as there are fluorine free foams for fuel fires. Water sprayed on other types of fires is (ostensibly) pfas free. Dry chemical mixes also do not contain pfas as an active ingredient.


Blexcr0id t1_j63z8rj wrote

I heard years ago that there was a protein-based firefighting foam invented in the 80s/90s. Would be interested to see if that was true. Would been to consider BOD/COD in firefighting water runoff but that's definitely better than PFAS/PFOA/PFXX.


Blexcr0id t1_j642cqo wrote

Interesting. Thank you. There must be a better solution out there that is relatively safe and effective, but I guess the chemical companies that produce and sell the existing firefighting foams wouldn't be able to maximize profit for shareholders...


PastNectarine5852 t1_j643wwj wrote

They all sell fluorine free foams, so they'd still make money.

Studies at the Naval Research Labs have shown that fluorinated foams just perform better, and for a while, the US govt (particularly DoD) required fluorinated foams. That's changing, but the performance differences have slowed the change to fluorine free versions.


piecat t1_j67o96q wrote

I don't think I'd mind PFAs being used during, say, war time.

It's the fact that they practice with them all the time.