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redditticktock t1_j3v6ngx wrote

Truly don't understand these comments. Ok, Bitcoin is worthless. So what isn't worthless? Bitcoin is nothing more than a distributed ledger maintained by pretty ingenious network design incentivized by a reward worth 117k USD to produce a valid block every 10 minutes. That's what the market is willing to pay. Very simple. Bitcoin mining is currently much more profitable than Gold mining and infinitely more liquid. Sure, you could get job and make widgets for fiat or do investing to make fiat. There will always be ways to get new fiat. There is only one way to get new Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the coolest invention in over a decade and it's barely started.


Basas t1_j3w0og9 wrote

Bitcoin is mined by solving math problems. Insane amounts of resources are used for this and the results are only used for bitcoin making this whole process virtually useless. Bitcoin is one of the most harmful inventions in over a decade.