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Unconfidence t1_j3spqml wrote

If you think we have semi-open borders now, you must not take much pride in American history.


BigRed323 t1_j3squev wrote

4M refugees or illegals have entered the country in the last two years.


Unconfidence t1_j3srxz5 wrote

Yes, and we're only now just normalizing back to the level of immigrants we had back in the 1850's.

You think this is a lot because you don't understand that historically America's entire national identity was "We'll take you even if nobody else will". It's only for the past sixty to seventy years that a growing political backlash against immigrants has become politically empowered enough to restrict immigration.

I'm telling you, for all you anti-immigration folks' talk about how you like this country, you seem to like more the pale illusion of it in your head. And that's not even getting into the question of "Who's the real immigrants in a country which has native Americans?"


Pick_Zoidberg t1_j3sugf9 wrote

That wasn't an anti-immigrant comment, it was an comment about illegal immigration.

Using immigrant % of total population is even further from that.


neerrccoo t1_j3ssuto wrote

So what are your thoughts on immigration. How many immigrants should we take in each year?


Unconfidence t1_j3supsu wrote

My personal opinion is that immigrants and immigration are a financial boon, and that the test to become an American should be a simple criminal history check from country(s) of origin and a desire to immigrate. I actually want semi-open borders, so it's funny hearing people complain that we already have it.
