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t1_j3spzvh wrote

If they’re human traffickers so is Colorado. They we’re doing the exact same thing minus the press releases.

The only human traffickers benefiting from this situation are the ones south of the border.


t1_j3sqzm6 wrote

I’m not absolving CO either. I’m just pointing out that you seem to weigh your own interests over that of people based on their nation of origin or ethnic background, to the extent that you’re willing to push talking points created by the people that did the trafficking.

Not a good look.


t1_j3sx3ju wrote

Letting millions of people pour across your border to be exploited while your own economic conditions deteriorate is not a moral decision. There is a reason that Cesar Chavez set up camps of Union workers at the border to literally turn in and beat back migrants crossing illegally and it wasn’t because he for white supremacy. Union farm labor was eventually defeated by the exploitation of migrants.

We celebrate Cesar Chavez while ignoring what he stood for and what he fought for.


t1_j3sx8i0 wrote

Letting millions of people pour across your border to be exploited while your own economic conditions deteriorate is not a moral decision. There is a reason the Cesar Chavez set up camps of Union workers at the borders to literally turn in and beat back migrants crossing illegally and it wasn’t because he for white supremacy.


t1_j3sypn5 wrote

Exploitation is wrong, so is letting the country falter economically. The solution is not to prohibit immigration.


t1_j3szhks wrote

Immigration and illegal migration are two very different things. Legal and controlled immigration should be encouraged, but until you stop the flow of millions of migrants across the border you can’t have a functional system. There is nothing ethical or moral about an open border. It’s only good for those who exploit the working class and the migrants.

This is a country that was built by giving away land to emigrants and immigrants. I have no negative feelings about these people, but the idea that we should celebrate the Democratic Party allowing this to fester and grow for two years is ridiculous.

I mean honestly before this article did you know Democrats in Colorado was also bussing migrants away? People can attack me all they want for saying it, but if you went to these places first hand like I did you’d realize how serious the situation is.

This is the same mentality I see on Reddit when then think that magic “insurance” pays for the shops that were burnt down in the riots of 2020.

We saw all that damage, and the loudest activists bought mansions and the Police just set a new record for officer shootings. Yay!

People take so many positions because they are cosmetically progressive, but take very little time to consider the lives of other people that are impacted.


t1_j3szr3q wrote

Oh cool, this’ll be easy.

You’re wrong.


t1_j3t1ngn wrote

A 2017 report from Doctors Without Borders said 31.4 percent of women had been sexually abused during their trip to this country.

You keep on being right


t1_j3t34n4 wrote

Cool bait and switch edit, but you’re still wrong.

You sound like a bitchy J6er. I think Doctors Without Borders did a study on that too. It said that 4 in 10 people are sick of listening to your shit.


t1_j3srxim wrote

Colorado did coerce people with false information about jobs and legal assistance, and then send them someplace completely difference.

Colorado helped people get to where they were already trying to go when their transportation got cancelled in the middle of winter.


t1_j3svhaq wrote

I think you need to go travel the border. I went up and down the Rio Grande this summer from Laredo all the way to almost El Paso and actually illegally crossed into Mexico at three points just to do it. The water level was so low this summer many points of crossing were available where water was barely knee deep.

I talked with a lot of people down there and what the cartels are doing is horrific. The amount of rape and human misery is staggering. To do nothing about this crisis is deplorable immoral and exploitative. This isn’t a positive thing going on in this country and the fact that the absurdity that is the Republican Party are the only people willing to speak about this issue should really concern working class voters. What we are allowing to happen at the border is not a humanitarian gesture.

The fact that Colorado is overwhelmed enough to pay people to leave and they aren’t on the border speaks loudly. I understand that Republicans are amoral fear mongers, but what is happening right now not ok. We don’t even have enough housing for people who live and work here legally. Where are we going to house millions of people arriving who come unannounced? To pretend that unfettered migration isn’t damaging the economics of lower income people who are legally here is just putting your head in the sand.


t1_j3sxksa wrote

Colorado didn't "pay people to leave", they bought tickets for migrants who got stranded in the state en route to somewhere else.


t1_j3t2jzj wrote

That’s a really elaborate way to say they did a human trafficking


t1_j3t3xmp wrote

Voluntary assistance to a destination of their choice isn't trafficking.

If your flight gets canceled during a layover and someone pays for your ticket on another carrier, are you being trafficked?

The trafficking from TX involved lying to people about jobs and legal assistance in specific places, and then sending them to completely different locations.


t1_j3t5bhw wrote

So the nearly 10,000 people Texas has sent to NYC we’re all lied to? The system they’re using is very similar to what Colorado was doing until like literally yesterday. They just chose to make it a media event. People are sleeping outside of churches on the border because they ran out of room to house so many people. It’s madness


t1_j3t6vgg wrote

I'm talking specifically about the ones that were turned in to media frenzies. The ones at Martha's Vineyard and Kamala Harris's house. Those people were not assisted by social workers, they were lied to by political staff, and they were not sent to where they wanted to go.

If a program provides voluntary assistance to where someone is actually trying to go, then it's legal and a good thing. Helping people make transportation arrangements is normal work in social services.


t1_j3swcvd wrote

Lol admitting to multiple felonies and concern trolling for the GOP. I guess we know you aren’t vegan.


t1_j3t2djq wrote

First off fuck the GOP

Secondly if illegally crossing the border is a felony then why aren’t the millions who crossed illegally in prison and then deported as criminal aliens?


t1_j3t3ree wrote

Because you’re an American citizen doing something very different than seeking asylum in a foreign country, dipshit.


t1_j3t4m8s wrote

You seek asylum at points of entry . You don’t seek it by illegally crossing. If you illegally enter it means you are attempting to not seek asylum moron.


t1_j3t8539 wrote

This is coming from the admitted illegal border crosser.