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silly_biomedic t1_j5qc7r9 wrote

This is great news. The russian destruction of ukranian towns and unprovoked mass murder is wrong and putin's regime must be stopped. However, it bears reminding that each escalation risks an existential nuclear threat. If the end result is millions dead, the means by which it happaned have been slowy unravelling.

Edit: Despite being downvoted to hell; I stand by the comment. When we provided HIMARS, manpads, and anti-tank capabilities, russia was no longer able to enter cities with mechanized vehicles. Thus, they aimed to drone strike and artillery barrage cities, targetting civilians to erode the war effort, logistics, and morale. In short, western intervention escalated the tradgedy. Of course, I fully agree with our support of weapons to Ukraine, but the link between the two is sadly very clear.

A demonstrative nuclear strike over the black sea or rural ukraine is not out of the question as the next step in a series of escalations. I have been celebrating that the Ukranians will have modern tanks to defeat the russians; but I think those who say they can't or won't are wrong. Putin has shown he is an arrogant, crazy asshole and his regime is likely coming to a close. When a rabid animal has it's back against a wall, you can expect it to bite. Even if the risk is incredibly low, the potential for devestation and horrific tragedy remains high. I think that in general, these weapons can and must be used to expel russia out of ukranian territory. I just hope that looking back it doesn't come at a cost.


KerPop42 t1_j5qeh39 wrote

Eh, probably not. Put in can't unilaterally use the nukes, and he's losing popularity. Using nukes would paint a huge target on Russia's back, and over an offensive war that poses no existential threat to Russia.

The odds of an escalation of material support for Ukraine resulting in tactical nukes is pretty much nil.


pragmatic_zealot t1_j5qfnaw wrote

>Putin can't unilaterally use the nukes

Are we sure about this? If there are others that need to authorize using nukes, I'm sure they're at least a little worried they might fall out of a building the day after they refuse.

I hope you're right, and I'd bet you are, but can't say I don't lose sleep over it.


willstr1 t1_j5qgw24 wrote

Nukes aren't fully automated, it's still orders through a chain of command and I bet most of that chain isn't willing to end the world for Putin's fragile ego. And even that assumes the nukes and launch vehicles work. Equipment that is expensive to maintain and never expected to be used are a prime target for a kleptocracy


Buzzkid t1_j5qvaxy wrote

Russia has an automatic nuclear launch system. It is called Dead Hand.


me_suds t1_j5s6l3r wrote

Yes but it's also not for frist strik it's triggered by the dection of a nuclear strike on Russia


Heiferoni t1_j5t40of wrote

Right. Better let Putin take as many countries as he wants because WOOOO scary nukes!