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t1_j3ysg1t wrote

Start of the story:

> MU spokesperson Christian Basi said the welfare check was for a male student, and court documents say the mother of the student made the request. She said she had not spoken to her child since Monday at 10:30 p.m.

End of the story:

> Police said investigators have a "good idea" of who the victim is, but more definitive information is needed and next of kin needs to be notified.

Yeah… I think I have a good idea who the victim is, too.


OP t1_j3ysmkg wrote

You know them?


t1_j3yznf2 wrote

No (not OP, but I had the same question when reading the article). The article starts off talking about a search for a missing person, who you'd expect the police know who they're searching for as they talked to his mother. Then takes a weird pivot towards the end after finding a burning body at the Uber drivers home (and a cell phone matching to the victim). While they can't ID the body yet, it's assumed it's the boy they talk about at the start. They should have just left it as "the remains have not yet been confirmed to be the missing student".


t1_j3zm0sj wrote

Well they have a pretty good idea that it's the kid but they cannot yet determine it 100%. No clue why people are being so nit-picky over the specific wording.


t1_j3zyc21 wrote

Nit picky? It's terrible writing to the point where the meaning is unclear. The police have a pretty good idea whose body it is? I can think of a dozen ways to phrase that better.