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lolbojack t1_j5lx2u3 wrote

Is Mormon Jesus anti-vax?


vacuum_everyday t1_j5mcv4b wrote

No, the Church is actually very pro-vaccine much to the chagrin of the far right. It’s very strongly encouraged and even in the official handbook.

If potential missionaries refuse vaccines, they’re not allowed to leave the US. They also regularly donate to charities that provide vaccinations globally.


Picromenis42 t1_j5mfe7l wrote

Most members are conservatives as much as they are Mormons.


vacuum_everyday t1_j5mgfw5 wrote

Right, but they’re not all far right. An example is the dichotomy of Utah’s senators. Romney and Lee don’t like/endorse each other and represent the different parts of Utah.

But there are very liberal members who were/are high profile: see Harry Reid.


UsmcFatManBear t1_j5n7p0i wrote

Yea but they are old too. Old dead people don't give the church money.


DanimusMcSassypants t1_j5lyknd wrote

The Jesus health care plan is rubbing mud in the eyes to cure blindness, and raising the dead. Not a lot of preventative measures at work.


council2022 t1_j5mnsfh wrote

Sounds more like the Republican Way with a major in religious nonsense.


fuqqkevindurant t1_j5p032p wrote

It's a great plan if you have a Jesus around. Dont need preventative medicine when he can just touch you and fix your terminal issue or even revive you like a video game.

But Jesus died a while back so I don't get why these idiots still act like he'll be around to slap them back to life


DanimusMcSassypants t1_j5p2ta9 wrote

Never said it was a good plan.


fuqqkevindurant t1_j5p3vt6 wrote

Im cool with it. The more people who strictly adhere to it, the fewer of those kinds of people there will be in the future to deal with lol