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FlickoftheTongue t1_j5o2fti wrote

I get that, but ER surgeons have no business administering vaccines either. There emergency order that went out that basically allowed all pharmacy techs to administer vaccines drastically increased number of people and locations where people could get them. I wouldn't go to the er for a vaccine for covid, nor would an error surgeon do this. Any nurse or other ward doctor would do this.

I feel like anyone outside of the expanded group that was already doing vaccines should have been as need and closely monitored.


AutomaticPeople t1_j5oacpc wrote

I know 2021 was like 7 years ago, but around me they were getting anyone they could that had any medical background to help out b/c things were still that bad

So normal times sure, in the middle of a pandemic emergency, all hands on deck

But also, fuck this guy


FlickoftheTongue t1_j5ofwvl wrote

I agree fuck this guy. I live about an hour west of DC, and Virginia by and large didn't have this issue until nurses started quitting due to vaccine mandates. Obviously I can't speak to other states, but I feel like plastic surgeons (and really surgeons in general) should be last on the list of people called for this job.


CultofCedar t1_j5oawf1 wrote

I mean I think anyone who can give a shot was qualified. My wife’s an ICU RN and did optional OT to work at the vaccine clinic.

Honestly I thought plastic surgery was one of the hardest paths of doctor to enter so I’m sure they’re more than qualified. People are just money hungry but it’s no surprise. Wife got offers to take the vaccine too. Wife’s own amazing sister tried to convince her to fake it for her friends in her reserve unit or whatever for like 1k a person. I mean I get it that’d be some very fast money but yea wifes smarter than that and would be jeopardizing not only her career as an RN but I’m sure any chances of getting a DEA license as an NP in the future.


FlickoftheTongue t1_j5og5ty wrote

I wasn't saying he's not qualified, every doctor goes through giving stuff like this in med school, I just think that when you are looking at people to call to give vaccinations, surgeons should be last on that list of medical providers. Hell, I'd get paramedics to do it before I'd call a surgeon.


CultofCedar t1_j5okaep wrote

Oh okay yea that’s fair. Elective surgeries were all canceled for a while at a lot of hospitals. Mostly the ICUs and ERs with all the vent patients were the ones that were nutty. It was less surgeon and more anyone that works with vents like respiratory therapist or the nurses that are there 24/7 with the patient.

Since he wasn’t really practicing regular medicine I wouldn’t be surprised if they were hurting business wise during peak pandemic. The worst part is I’m sure they were getting paid by insurance for the vaccines.


FlickoftheTongue t1_j5ol8ra wrote

I forgot about canceling "elective" surgeries. I put that in quotes because someone I know who needed a kidney, but wasn't near the point of dieing from renal failure, was told elective surgeries were cancelled and they needed to wait.

I agree with the delay, but also see the counterpoint that it's not really elective like getting a new knee because of knee pain.

Back on topic, that makes more sense why this guy was even in this sphere. Probably had nothing better to do. Too bad he wasn't like that Spanish doctor that took payment to give "saline injections" but feared getting found out and gave the actual injections instead.


CultofCedar t1_j5ooqld wrote

Yea it was a bad situation for everyone but they needed max hands on the floor. My wife told me at one point 3 patients coded at the same time. Each time a person codes that involves like a dozen people trying to revive them. Iirc protocol is CPR for like 20-30 minutes and it’s labor intensive so people swap off.

Haven’t heard of the spanish doctor. That sounds hilarious. I wonder if people had symptoms after the vaccine because mine sure did hit different.


fuqqkevindurant t1_j5p0hxq wrote

Any doctor can perform medicine, write prescriptions, etc. The are licensed to practice medicine, just bc they choose to specialize in cosmetic surgery and do that doesn't make it illegal or unethical for them to do something else.

If you are a pediatrician and your friend asks you to refer them to a specialist for another issue so they dont have to waste time waiting for an appt with your primary care doctor would you say that's a problem?


FlickoftheTongue t1_j5p3ioz wrote

I didn't say it was illegal or unethical for them, just why was a surgeon even doing this. I forgot about the elective surgeries being cancelled until another user brought it up.

To your second question, that's not pertinent to the discussion, but no I don't have a problem with that.