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MediumKeyAF t1_j5ps3bo wrote

Socializing is difficult as a 20 something because more than half of your demographic is already married with kids. The government controls your private life with bizarre alcohol laws. It constantly feels like you’re not part of the “club” no matter where you go if you’re not momo. Something just feels off like something strange is in the water or air. In fact there is something funny in the air. Sometimes the valley is coated in a perpetual layer of pollution/smog that stays for days and reduces visibility until a storm clears it up. I’m sorry about your loss but I literally almost offed myself too living there for too long 💀

The unhinged part of me likes to bring up the fact that the native Americans refused to settle in the salt lake valley for unknown reasons even though it was prime land and “gave” it to the original settlers with no problems. They knew it had some strange juju👹👹