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bassacre t1_j4ah6hz wrote

If you cover up the death of your child for his murderer you never loved that child and you should get the maximum sentence.


snapper1971 t1_j4mgyg3 wrote

Reading the scant information available I'd say she's a bit intellectually impaired, and her actions were carried out under duress/fear of death. That can be extended fo what she told her daughter. It's not as clear cut as it seems.


Toolazytocreate t1_j4bemlj wrote

One could argue it was the heat of the moment that lead to her decision. Most likely will be the defendant’s reasoning in court.


bassacre t1_j4bmhan wrote

Thats a terrible argument when youve been in charge of that childs well being through pregnancy and three years of life.


Toolazytocreate t1_j4bq2dg wrote

Not saying it’s morally right. But legally an acceptable defense. The joys of the grey area in the law I suppose