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foreverpsycotic t1_j4il3xr wrote

Well, there is a process for that. Should probably follow that legal process to either emancipate the child or to take them as a ward of the state. Until then, they are the responsibility of the parents who should be involved in the medical decisions of their children.


DusktheWolf t1_j4ilicz wrote

Transphobic parents gave up the privilege of medical decisions when they were transphobic shit stains. This is no different than gay children being abused.


foreverpsycotic t1_j4ilsbf wrote

Can you cute the case law to support that?


DusktheWolf t1_j4ilvny wrote

I'm speaking morally. Legally these fucks get to torture their children. All of those parents deserve to die alone.


foreverpsycotic t1_j4im0di wrote

Until legal action has been taken to.... Relieve them of their child. Look, I understand. There are a metric fuckton of unloved children in this world. I hear stories often enough as my wife is elementary special education and the things she has seen ... Ugh