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Eponarose t1_jac7yry wrote

My cousin is out hunting giant eagles, and I'm stuck with guard duty! Makes me want to go steal a sweet roll.


MotherDuderior t1_jac8cez wrote

I'm so happy someone got the reference! Thank you lovely stranger!


Eponarose t1_jadx31l wrote

I'm on my 4th play through! I just can't leave it alone. It's worse than any skooma addiction!


MotherDuderior t1_jaf49pi wrote

I've lost count of playthroughs! Everyone different. Playing since 2011! Current one is a big Redguard dude called M'Staffir Q'Ib, (with a scottish accent it reads Must Have a Chib (weapon)), am level 126 and still have yet to deal with the first dragon! I love the game far too much!