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rainlikeice t1_j9n9efj wrote

Whoa. This is not what I was expecting but thank you for sharing it. Maybe we can get them to add letters to the address numbers….? Or like dollar signs and question marks and exclamation points!


scarymaxx t1_j9n9y2w wrote

I will note that he never hit addresses with letters (eg, 255B Maple street) so I think you're onto something, but the city government would probably need some convincing.


rainlikeice t1_j9nbdbk wrote

What about apartments? Like if it had unit 5, etc.


scarymaxx t1_j9nbg2l wrote

Yeah, we pulled bodies out of numbered apartments for sure.


FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j9ojr3z wrote

Maybe next time he will pick an address with a letter in it, maybe will pick the letter by eating alphabetti spaghetti then making himself sick and the most clear letter is getting a visit.


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j9nhv3o wrote

A couple houses up from mine, the address is 12 1/2.

They'd be safe...


FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j9ojw9y wrote

But society as a whole isn't safe from whoever numbered that house.


Phoenix4235 t1_j9smd47 wrote

There’s a town near me with streets named …Ave N, Ave N 1/2, Ave O, Ave O 1/2, Ave P, Ave P 1/2,…you get the idea. I fear the person who numbered that house is escalating.


FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j9vsnz4 wrote

Jesus, that's disturbing. Don't get on their wrong side. I'll keep you in my prayers. Some people are just born wrong.


Agile-Masterpiece959 t1_j9ojdqn wrote

So say they start numbering houses as 321 1/4, 321 1/2, 321 3/4, and skipping over the whole numbers. But if they do that, he may just kill all the people in all three houses if he rolls 321. Maybe start giving each house a name instead of numbers.