Submitted by fainting--goat t3_10t4mvt in nosleep

Okay so let’s get the part I’m ashamed of out of the way first.

I haven’t talked to Daniel in weeks.

In my defense, that’s what Maria advised. She talked to him like she said she would and it didn’t go well. He’s projecting, she claimed. He’s scared about what’s happening to him and is looking for someone to be angry with. The creature in the hallway isn’t an option, because he’s trying to avoid even thinking about it, and he can’t be angry at the only person that can resolve the situation, because that’s himself. So he’s angry at me because I “forced” him into this impossible dilemma.

I don’t know if projecting is the right term for it but none of us are even taking psychology classes so sorry if that’s wrong.

(if you’re new, start here, and if you’re totally lost, this might help)

We last talked about the situation over dinner a few days ago. Maria’s dorm is fairly close to ours and our cafeteria has better food, she claims, so she’s taken to showing up around dinnertime and we eat together. About half the time Cassie joins us. I am growing more accustomed to the thought that she has more friends than just me, although I admit I still have moments of panic when I think it’s me, I’m the problem, I’m the one no one wants to be around.

“Maybe we could invite him around and sit down and talk through it,” I suggested.

“No,” Cassie and Maria said in unison.

I guess they’ve been talking about this without me.

“He’s been going around calling you a bitch,” Maria said uncomfortably.

“Oh.” A thought occurred to me. “Wait, going around where?”

And that’s how I found out that both Maria and Daniel had joined the new Rain Chasers group. Maria was just showing up to keep an eye on things, she claimed. She didn’t recognize anyone there and she was giving them all a fake name so they hopefully wouldn’t realize she was the former president. Daniel was at least keeping her secret - mostly because he was refusing to talk to her anymore. He was there because he wanted help with the scratching in the hallway.

I picked uncomfortably at my food. The scratching started all of it last year. Maria saw my unease and hastily added that he wasn’t getting much help. The new group of Rain Chasers - sorry, members of the “Folklore Society” - were not interested in Daniel’s drama. They were actually discussing a new rule for the group. No stories without documentation.

“How long until he takes video of the scratching on his phone?” Cassie asked.

“Well…” Maria hesitated. “He says he did. But when he got his phone out to show people, the recording was gone. He freaked out, swearing it was there before he left the dorm and that something had to have gotten to it - something nefarious. But the club wasn’t giving him much credence after that. They’ve since moved on to more interesting matters, specifically, the graveyard. They are particularly obsessed with the graveyard.

I felt that was a good time to tell them that I also had concerns about the graveyard. I’d leave out important parts of the story, of course, such as the laundry lady and flickering man’s involvement. Instead, I started with how the traveling river had come up around me and swept me away and that’s how I wound up in the graveyard.

“How did you get caught up in the river?” Cassie asked.

“It’s a rule, Ashley!” Maria sighed dramatically. “A rule you wrote! How do you manage to not follow your own rules?!”

“I wasn’t paying attention! It happens to everyone!”

Anyway. I took a breath and continued with how there was someone else in there and I had a really bad vibe from him. If the folklore society was looking at the graveyard, then I was worried what would happen if they managed to get inside.

“I’ll keep being our mole, I guess,” Maria said. “If it sounds like they’re seriously going to break in we can always call campus security to stop them before they succeed.”

That actually sounded like a very reasonable plan. With that handled and Maria promising to keep some contact with Daniel to see if he worked through his issues, I was left with not much on my plate.

Hahaha jk I’m a college student and the flickering man is trying to kill me I have so much to do.

At least having like eight papers to write has kept me distracted from the whole Daniel situation. It’s also meant that I’ve been spending a lot of time in one of the computer labs because it has very specific software that I need for a project. It sucks, because I don’t like working in the computer labs (they’re kind of stuffy and the lights give me a headache) but I’m just lucky to even have a laptop of my own and it certainly can’t run this program even if I wanted to buy a license for it (I don’t).

It also means it’s possible that I’d run into someone that I’d really rather not just because they happened to need some special resource only available on these computers as well. Like Chicken Tenders.

We haven’t spoken to each other since last semester and I expected him to pretend I didn’t exist. Instead, he walked in, took a long look around the room, and came right over to my row. There were lots of empty computers, I thought frantically. There were only two other people in the room right now. One was a student using the computers, the other was a student employee from the service desk team who was taking apart a broken computer in the front row. But he just… walked right past all those empty chairs.

“You were right, I was wrong,” Steven whispered, sliding into the seat next to me.

“About what?” I asked, suddenly confused. What had we argued about? Weren’t we just generally not compatible?

“I don’t know, my sister told me to apologize over summer break.”

He was only half paying attention to me, his gaze fixated on the girl unscrewing a computer case at the front of the room.

“She also said I shouldn’t try to get back with you, so I guess we’re just acquaintances now.”

“She seems pretty smart,” I said. “What college does she go to?”

“She’s fourteen.”


But Steven didn’t seem to care. He was watching the girl at the front of the room. He hadn’t even bothered to login into the computer yet.

“Is she your new girlfriend?” I asked.


Which made his overt staring so much creepier. I hesitated for a moment and then I mustered all of my courage. You know what made my brief relationship with Steven so disastrous in the first place? My complete lack of a backbone. Well, it was time to remedy that. I’d go up and say hi and ask if she was in one of my classes because she looked familiar and hopefully that’d get her head out of the computer case long enough for Steven to grow a sense of shame.

Look, I’m not quite ready for full-blown making a scene yet. Diet confrontation will have to do.

Behind me, Steven hissed frantically for me to come back. I ignored him. I got the word “hi” out and the girl looked up, a screwdriver poised in one hand against a harddrive mount, and then I heard the rustle of someone moving and then a hand clamped over my mouth.

Steven’s hand.

He pulled backwards, physically dragging me away from her. I think I made some kind of noise of surprise, because the only other student in the room’s head jerked up. Steven saw the movement as well and hastily took his hand off my mouth, so it was no longer so obvious that he was physically restraining me. He quickly shifted to put himself between me and their line of sight, laughing and throwing his arm around my shoulder.

“She’s busy, Ash,” he laughed. “C’mon, I know you don’t believe me, but I promise I can fix that corrupted file for you.”

The student’s head turned back to resume staring at their monitor. I followed Steven back to our chairs as he urgently pulled me along. I glanced up at the front of the room as I sat down.

She hadn’t moved. She was still staring at me.

“What the hell was that?” I hissed at him.

“They said something about this,” Steven muttered, furiously thumbing through messages on his phone. “I know they did!”

“Why did you stop me from talking to her!?”

He ignored me. Actually, I thought, why wasn’t she doing anything? It wasn’t like our altercation had been that subtle. In fact, it was right in front of her. She’d been staring at me when Steven put his hand over my mouth to keep me from talking. And Steven wasn’t just looking through his phone like a normal person - he was panicking. His hands were shaking.

A lightbulb went on in my head.

“You said I’m right,” I said slowly. “You… you’re taking the inhuman stuff… seriously now, aren’t you?”

He didn’t reply, just cast a furtive glance up at the woman at the front. She still hadn’t moved. It was like staring at a statue and I felt cold creep into my guts. No one stood that still for that long.

She wasn’t human.

“Okay, what’s going on?” I hissed, ducking my head down so the monitor hid our whispering. “Just give me the gist of it.”

I almost wished he hadn’t.

Most of the people who showed up to fix busted computers were normal students, he said. But sometimes they weren’t. It was a rumor that went around mostly the computer science students and he was taking an introductory course to fill one of his requirements and when he got his first lab assignment, one of the older students warned him about it. He asked around a bit more, got a hold of a couple people that claimed to have encounters with them, and eventually a number he didn’t recognize texted him with what had happened to them. He’d texted back but… they never replied.

A student died, he said. That’s what this person said.

Steven gave up trying to find the text message and shoved the phone back in his pocket, giving the girl a brief glance as she did.

“You don’t talk to them,” he said. “Nothing that disturbs their work. Just leave them alone.”

“And if you don’t?”

Like I’d just done.

“They… take you apart,” he said miserably.

The girl’s fingers twitched. They opened and then wrapped tight around the screwdriver she held.

I haven’t seen her in person (thank goodness) but I realized the look on the girl’s face. That stance. It all felt familiar.

“It’s a modern Perchta,” I whispered. “Oh gods, it’s her all over again.”

The Germanic goddess that slits people open and removes their intestines. Patterns repeat, after all, and the new monsters merely harken back to more ancient roots.

She took a step towards us. I grabbed my backpack and Steven did the same a second later.

“Wait here a moment,” he said. “I’m going to cause a distraction and then you run for the door.”

He sauntered up to the front of the room. I stood there in the aisle, watching as she slowly advanced on me. Behind her, Steven paused. He glanced sideways at the disassembled computer on the narrow desk.

He pushed it off onto the floor.

The resulting crash caused the poor student that was just there to do his work in peace to shriek in surprise. The girl whipped around, her back now to me, and I took that opportunity to run. I didn’t dare pass directly by her in the aisle, so I went over the front row instead, knocking over monitors as I did. She was moving towards me, but I was hitting the ground and sprinting for the door that Steven held open, and then I was out into the hallway. He slammed it shut behind him and we waited for a moment, panting, to see if she would pursue us any further.

Nothing happened. The doorknob remained perfectly still. I allowed myself to think that we’d escaped, that everything would be fine due to Steven’s quick thinking.

Then we heard screaming. Horrified, anguished, screaming.

The third student in the room. The one that had nothing to do with any of this and just happened to be in there at the wrong time.

“That’s not how this works!” I shrieked in the empty hallway. “I’m the target! I’m the one that broke the rules! It’s not supposed to - to switch to a bystander!”

My cries did nothing to drown out his screams.

Neither did the fire alarm.

I looked over and saw Steven standing there with his hand on the alarm, his face grim. He quickly let go as we heard doors banging open in the distance. Soon the landing would be flooded with students as they dutifully headed down the stairs to outside. I kicked open the door between us and the stairwell and Steven wrenched open the door to the computer lab.

Strength in numbers. The computer girl couldn’t continue her grisly work if there were too many people around.

I couldn’t hear screams anymore over the commotion in the stairwell. Steven had stuck his head into the computer lab and then he turned and yelled at me that the student was alive, but that I needed to get help.

Fortunately, emergency services were already on their way. I hurtled down the stairs, elbowing my way past people, and sprinted out the doors right as the firetruck was pulling up. They were quick to react when I came running at them, screaming that there was a hurt student in the second floor computer lab.

Then I just kind of milled about with everyone else, hoping I hadn’t attracted too much attention, until the ambulance showed up and they wheeled him out on a gurney.

It was a while before I found Steven again. The crowd took a while to disperse and I loitered in the lobby, once we were allowed back inside. Eventually he came down the stairs and collapsed onto a sofa. I gingerly sat down across from him.

“I don’t know if he’s going to be okay,” Steven sighed. “I couldn’t see that well because he was down between the rows of desks, but there was blood just… and something like… on the ground.”

He swallowed hard. He didn’t have to say it. Something that looked like intestines.

“And pieces of it were… in the computer case. Like cables. But he was alive. I could hear him whimpering. The girl… she was gone.”

I took a deep breath. I didn’t want to ask, but this was important.

The student that texted him, I said carefully. Did they specify what the student was doing with the computer when someone tried talking to them?

Yes. They were disassembling the case.

I may have a new rule. I’m going to run it past Maria and Cassie and see if they agree that two occurrences is more than a coincidence.

Rule #9 - Don’t disturb the student workers that are fixing computers in the computer labs. They’re busy and don’t need interruptions. But if one of them is disassembling a computer, don’t even talk to them. They might decide they’re missing some parts and you’ll do nicely.

I think we can all agree this is a very important rule to spread around because those computers break all the damn time.

But a new rule isn’t the only thing I’ve gotten from this. The way she switched targets… it gives me an idea. If these creatures will go after bystanders if they can’t reach their original victim, then maybe there is a way to help Daniel. The university president said that it has to be the victim that kills it, but what if we switched the victim?

I’m going to talk to Maria. She can talk to Daniel. And then we can figure out a way to remove him as the target and I’ll go in his place.[x]

Keep reading.

Read the first draft of the rules.

Visit the college's website.



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AzarothEaterOfSouls t1_j75bcgn wrote

I just have to say, using intestines is not proper cable management.


VorpalAbyss t1_j75fq7a wrote

I happen to disagree. I have solved a great many problems by using the versatile material known as 'intestines'.

Broken wire? Intestines.

Violin strings? Intestines.

Small child? Intestines.


I don't see why you couldn't use intestines to fix computers. Intestines are the future, the future is now.


_embr t1_j75jnn6 wrote

So... did you eat a small child, or did you replace one with intestines? I'm confused here.


Darkfrost1802 t1_j7tu65c wrote

No silly they obv saved a small child who had lost their intestines.


Elajz t1_j75x900 wrote

Pro tip - if you combine the intestines with some tendons, you get a stronger structure ^-^


fainting--goat OP t1_j7szdmq wrote

This is not a pro tip. This is an alarming tip. I don't want to know how you know this.


nib_nibblers t1_j75ehft wrote

You thought the cable trays were a mess before… oof.


KProbs713 t1_j75hjre wrote

Well that's unsettling. A common theme seems to be the inhuman emulating aspects of their older generation but with significantly less restraint. They're evolving and have reached the point at which following rules is a choice, not a compulsion.

Seems especially fitting for it to occur at college.


fainting--goat OP t1_j7szh7r wrote

As a college student myself, I'm not sure if I should feel insulted or impressed by this parallel.


WitherHuntress t1_j75rthp wrote

This is just my theory but I think modern-Perchta switched targets because the bystander shrieked which might have counted as a distraction so she went after him

If my theory is right you need to do whatever it takes to trigger that larva into switching targets

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Perchta the one that helped Kate guide the kids selling Ice without a wheelbarrow to the afterlife or whatever.


fainting--goat OP t1_j7szivi wrote

Hmmm good point 🤔


WitherHuntress t1_j7tbegp wrote

Rereading the scratching at the door post it seems that the night(s?) before Daniel heard the scratching he stayed up late, could just be a coincidence but it's worth looking into. Just don't pull too many all-nighters, my max is like 2 before I pass out on the third day.

However, I doubt it's just the act of staying up because if it was there would be more college students dealing with the scratching so maybe it's something he did during the night (Played video games/did homework/etc.) It's interesting to note that once you hear the scratching you're kept up by it so maybe the lack of sleep is what makes it gro. Typing all this out reminds me of the phantoms in Minecraft which grow in number the more nights you go without sleep.

It doesn't seem to be restricted to one dorm building so I'm assuming staying up in your dorm might work.


Cryptid_Muse t1_j75ck70 wrote

No! Not you. Get the other one, that actually managed to do something when she got down the hall. It's not selfish, it's smart. I get you have to at least suggest yourself, but let her step in as soon as she offers and only do a token protest. Then watch from the sidelines.. don't help just watch.


fainting--goat OP t1_j7szkv6 wrote

Maria? But she has no other practical experience and that worries me.


Cryptid_Muse t1_j7t73dj wrote

I think she has the determination to pull it off though. The solution to the campus feels more like a group project than a solo test, but I am prepared to be wrong on this. If you wanna go first to get a feel for things it makes sense but i think Maria has a good chance at this.


Fairyhaven13 t1_j75bkro wrote

Poor guy. These college inhumans really don't follow any rules. You did your best. He might need some prosthetic digestive pieces but he might be okay.

Daniel is definitely screwed up about this. He was so used to bragging about nonsense and looking cool, and now he's utterly helpless and has to be the hero he always pretended to be, and it's ticking him off. He's mad at you because you can't take responsibility like he wants you to so that he can keep being a coward. If your plan works, he's going to have to accept that he's pretty much useless in these situations.


fainting--goat OP t1_j7szpr4 wrote

Your last sentence makes me feel like no matter what happens the friendship is going to be ruined. 😞


Fairyhaven13 t1_j7v1a69 wrote

He was never a great friend to begin with. That's on him, not you. It's his choice, not yours. You did your very best and he refused to meet you halfway. It sucks, but try to focus on your more sincere friendships instead. You've got at least three now!


not_this_word t1_j75o1pd wrote

>...and the lights give me a headache

Okay, so I can't help with the supernatural stuff, u/fainting--goat, BUT, I might have some advice that will help with the lights because I have the same problems. A lot of times those lights are fluorescent. One of the solutions that works for some people is tinted glasses, but finding the right shade of yellow/orange/amber/whatever can be tricky.

However, since you should have free student healthcare through the university, you might consider having your eyes checked because another thing that can cause those sorts of issues--which you wouldn't really notice unless you were constantly in front of a screen...ooooooooor under fluorescent lights and looking at a screen--is eye problems. In my case, for example, one of my eyes is the teensy-tiniest bit nearsighted and the other is the teensy-tiniest bit farsighted (we're talking -.25/+0.25 levels of tiny). So I see near perfectly and basically have 20/20 vision, but get headaches when I'm on the computer or reading a lot, and it's more prominent under fluorescent lighting. If you tell the optometrist that you're having issues with screens when under fluorescent lights, they can know to check for the really slight differences that they might otherwise overlook as margin of error. And be HONEST with them. Don't guess when you're not sure of a letter.


Elajz t1_j75wr21 wrote

I have like the opposite problem - I am extremely sensitive to outside light. Almost can't go out without sunglasses sensitive. Even snow hurts to look at.

I have like half a dioptre in my right eye (is that how you say it?), meaning I can't see far things with that eye as clearly, but I don't think that has to do something with it. I told an optometrist about my light hatred and she was like "meh, it's normal". Maybe I'm just making a big deal out of something everyone experiences, but I don't know.


JCtheWanderingCrow t1_j796mxi wrote

Snow is actually worse because white is a reflector. It shoots lots of UV rays back at you. That’s why it’s so bad. White sand does it too.


RedneckStew t1_j7a89mx wrote

I upvote this answer. They don't call it snowblind for nothing. Also, bodies of water if you're looking out on the water with the sun behind it.

I vote polarized lenses. Have a prescription pair and they aren't horrible to wear at night while driving either. Especially ially if you have are nearsighted and astigmatism like lucky me.


lexkixass t1_j77mjl0 wrote

>I am extremely sensitive to outside light. Almost can't go out without sunglasses sensitive.

That's me. I feel it's part of the dry-eye from Sjörgen's syndrome. Also if I get too much light, I get vicious migraines.


HVAC-Animal t1_j7phbu2 wrote

I never used to wear sunglasses, but then I started wearing them about 10 years ago and now they're almost a complete necessity, like sunglasses have done to my eyes what a back brace does to your back if worn too often


smarmcl t1_j76mu9w wrote

Im sensitive to light, period. Inside, outside, just light. I get migraines rather quickly, and unfortunately, im allergic to the meds I was prescribed that help with migraines.

Had my eyes checked not long ago, very little correction in one eye, even got the blue screen thing on my lense... no difference. The 20, 20, 20 thing helps a bit, but not always. I've tested about every solution possible, and there is still only one thing that works: stay away from harsh light, and wear sunglasses. Ngl, wearing sunglasses inside sparks some weird looks and an 80s music flashback, but I'll take an earworm over a migraine!


lexkixass t1_j77mney wrote

>Ngl, wearing sunglasses inside sparks some weird looks

You get used to it. Better odd looks than a migraine


Eino54 t1_j778fkl wrote

You're like a chicken then, especially if it's your right that is nearsighted and your left that is farsighted.


fainting--goat OP t1_j7szv13 wrote

Well I can get my eyes checked but glasses are kind of super expensive on their own. But that's really helpful advice so thank you. I will certainly follow up on it because I hate those lights.


rule-bender t1_j75nyph wrote

Chicken Tenders is back! I.. sort of forgot why you broke up, tbh, so I guess I’m like you, Ashley. Anyway, I hope he becomes a Good Friend™️ considering he’s now a believer.

Also, variations of old creature? It’s like looking at them through water — not entirely the same, but just enough to realize what they are. I suppose one good rule to add, more so for yourself, is to not assume you what you know stays the same.


Elajz t1_j75weg6 wrote

I don't know why they broke up, but I sure do remember him being an ass and swearing at her through texts and I want him to be punished


rule-bender t1_j78ihkz wrote

Ah, right, that’s why Cassie had to take over right?

Welp. Teenagers are such a headache.


Cryptid_Muse t1_j7t7owq wrote

I wanted to correct you that they're in college so adults.. then i realized that 18 is still technically a teenager (in the teen years aging) and an adult.. and i only commented this because through this comment... today i realized i guess?


sugarfairy7 t1_j79diep wrote

I guess he will be “punished” soon as he has become so brave


fainting--goat OP t1_j7t00el wrote

I don't think there is anything specific we just didn't get along that well but neither of us felt like breaking it off to the whole thing just deteriorated little by little. It was, as Cassie likes to remind me, "a mess"


Elajz t1_j75w702 wrote

Honestly, at this point, just screw Daniel. Let him die

Unless he comes to you. Himself. Begging. On. His. Knees.

Also Ash don't you even dare think about catching feels for Stevo again, or I have the feeling Cassie will be the one having a claim on your life. I the only one wondering if the "fixed" computers would work? Maybe even do inhuman stuff...? :0


jjbugman2468 t1_j75y95d wrote

Imagine googling “How to get rid of midnight scratching at door for free no ads” on that


Elajz t1_j75ycdr wrote

You get a YouTube tutorial from a changeling with bad English, yet somehow it works perfectly and you immediately understand


fainting--goat OP t1_j7t06sq wrote

Yeah so I actually mentioned I saw him in front of Cassie. 😬 It was terrifying. She was... displeased


ena_bear t1_j764584 wrote

I feel like Daniel just needs to woman up and deal with his problem. Didn’t the university press say that you have to kill it before it gets too big/ adult? If Daniel waits too long, it will be too late.


fainting--goat OP t1_j7t09hv wrote

I reminded Maria of that and I hope she's reminded Daniel but I'm not sure what I can really do about it.


S4njay t1_j75fim1 wrote

Ok, I was NOT expecting this to happen. Like, not at all!

You need to figure out a way to pirate the software, and you'll never face this problem again.


LizzieHatfield t1_j77l27m wrote

Excellent suggestion! No need to visit those icky labs again! And Ashley can face down eyeballs, the devil, moving rivers, not evening including all she dealt with back in her campground days!

Pirating software should be child’s play!


IncredulousCockatiel t1_j763sgv wrote

Interesting that the new generation of inhumans don't respect the rules. Kind of like gen z vs boomers except they kill you.

I understand Daniel is terrified, ok? I do. But he doesn't need to go around calling you a bitch. I don't think you should be literally fighting the battles of some guy that calls you names.


LizzieHatfield t1_j77ligd wrote

Help some who blames HIS problem on me AND has the nerve to call me a bitch !?!

I think not. Ashley, you’ve got enough to deal with


skatingangel t1_j76r2bz wrote

Not you. Sorry, but you froze when you were heading down the hall. I think it was Maria that actually did something - she should be the new victim.


rule-bender t1_j78iept wrote

Also - I don’t like how Daniel’s going around badmouthing you, but tbh I kinda understand why he’s making all these poor decisions. I just hope he lives (and so does the people around you) and then grovels hard.


fainting--goat OP t1_j7t0ghs wrote

That's a good thing to hope for. I think I will hope for the same thing.


modvavet t1_j7aa9bx wrote

Work in IT; can confirm that intestines are very useful.

Need to pull several cables from one place to another and want them to look neat and orderly?

Use some intestine to encase them. Bang. It's all one big cable now. Cabling sausage.

Got to get some wireless access points up to a warehouse ceiling? Ran out of chain or wire to hang them?

Intestines are your guy.

Need to make sure no one uses a certain computer for a while?

Wrap the keyboard in intestines. It will remain blissfully untouched.

Know your IT tools.


fainting--goat OP t1_j7t0doe wrote

This is like the second comment I've gotten like this. I am never setting foot in the computer science building. You all are scary people.


modvavet t1_j7t0udj wrote

Gotta keep that air of mystery and danger XD


danielleshorts t1_j79fosd wrote

Why oh why must you keep trying to fuck with the inhumans? It's noble to try to spare Daniel, but it's only a matter of time before you get into a situation you can't get out of. Please be careful, I really enjoy your posts.


cinekat t1_j7f11za wrote

Ok hold up. I get that you feel responsible for keeping people as safe as possible given the fact you grew ip with this sort of thing. But enough of this savior complex! Daniel needs to at least try to help himself. You have more than enough on your plate as is.


fainting--goat OP t1_j7t0lmy wrote

Yeah but Daniel's problem is kind of on a time limit. I feel like he should learn to help himself when the stakes aren't as high.


Rangermatthias t1_j82yk07 wrote

Isn't pretty much everyone you know who deals with these sort of things, basically just thrown in the deep end? That's how Katie, you, and...uhh, Turtle (was that her name?) learned.

Daniel needs to deal with things himself. You can explain what he needs to do, coach him on what you can, and offer moral support, but it's HIS problem!


ThunderAug t1_j7fv6rv wrote

As an IT professional.... I completely understand where this inhuman being could have originated from. We (the IT professionals) have VERY strong feelings about people interrupting us when we are busy. Any tech worth their salt knows that our bodies can conduct electricity as TECHNICALLY intestines COULD be used as wires.... just probably wouldn't get the best results from then. Though I feel that this is less a thing of "best results", and more just anger issues manifested into reality.


duckasaurusss t1_j7g7nrd wrote

As an IT professional, I’ve had extreme frustration when interrupted when working on the inside of a case. I can totally see how this creature manifested.

Never would have thought about intestines as wires though.


ThunderAug t1_j7h4hwk wrote

Gotta trim them down a bit and make a few twisted pairs. :)


fainting--goat OP t1_j7t0op6 wrote

Oh look another comment along these lines. Yep I shall never grace the hallways of the computer science building. You people are scary.


ThunderAug t1_j7ugvy3 wrote

You've seen the ugly in the inhuman and the human alike.... we have to deal with those awful people on the DAILY. I'm not saying I'm team inhuman....but I can see where they are coming from sometimes. I get talked down too, ignored, forgotten, and then expected to drop everything when someone has a problem they created themselves.

Just recently I was forgotten in the office when everyone left early the last business day before a holiday.... they all left early and turned the lights off while I was still here. No one thought to say anything to me about everyone getting out early. So it's the accumulation of all these types of things that most likely gave birth to such an inhuman. I do feel pity for those just trying to do their work and getting the brunt of the collective anger of the IT field. It seems that those that ACTUALLY deserve the consequences never receive them.


ThunderAug t1_j7uhq86 wrote

I"m also not sure about that Tech gremlin (i mean they call US that...why not it?) but we really appreciate any show of appreciation, like small gifts or food or something. Maybe you can gain it's favor somehow?


VyePuwahi t1_j7svgt2 wrote

Can I point out that MARIA is better suited to this problem of Daniel's? You nearly got lost. Figure out a plan, but let her help. She may prove stronger than you imagine.


fainting--goat OP t1_j7sz8x9 wrote

Yes but other than that one thing she has no practical experience, right?


jupitersaturnuranus t1_j7oxjj3 wrote

You don’t have to fix Daniel’s problem. It’s not your responsibility and I highly doubt he’d be grateful


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Rangermatthias t1_j82zup6 wrote

You said that you were the one who broke the rule by interrupting the IT lady. But there was no rule.

How anyone survives at Alder Rayne University or Goat Valley Campground is beyond me. I mean, it's great that yall make these rules and help people out, but one would think a whole lot of deaths would be happening if something as mild as talking to a person fixing a computer WHILE IN A COMPUTER LAB or not properly putting away clothes. Or refusing a drink from a stranger carrying a skull.

Sure, deaths or missing persons happen to people out in nature - even famous people like Julian Sands (Warlock) and Dave Legano (Fenrir Greyback from Harry Potter) have died or gone missing while hiking/camping. But when it happens in a college setting, lots of parents wondering where their kids are will make the police take notice.

Makes me wonder if the local police/government is in on what's going on.