Submitted by [deleted] t3_119n6ad in nosleep


I felt empty inside, as if I was an old milk carton. Well I may not be able to pull, so I focused on the one thing I could do, sketch. I was currently working on Jasper. Male beauty has been a weird obsession of mine, and I wanted to see if I could draw what was the hottest man alive. I gave him washboard abs, beautiful crystal eyes, gorgeous platinum blond hair, and cupid bow lips.To my embarrassment, I was sort of in love with him.

Whenever I felt empty or bored, which was a lot of the time to be honest, I closed my eyes and imagined a life with Jasper. He was a billionaire, and was madly in love with me of course., I have an hourglass, he can't stop looking at it. For your sake, I won't elaborate on my fantasies further.

Though last night, reality hit me like a wooden spoon on the ass. A message from Brock University read,

" Miss Amelia Powell,

As you may know, you were placed on academic probation last term due to your overall cumulative average not meeting the threshold considered acceptable by Brock University. Students on probation are required to earn a minimum average of 60% to stay in the program,however, you did not fulfill this requirement. Regretfully, we must inform you that your admission to Brock University has been terminated, and we wish you well for all your future studies.

-Best regards,

Winsella Escortson

I couldn't believe it. Fucking Brock university kicked me out. Surprisingly, I felt nothing. It was such a beautiful day. The birds were chirping like the sun shined out of their ass, the air was warm, and couples were kissing. I was tired, and I didn't want to think about this. Then all of a sudden, I felt this compulsion. It's sort of like when you need to scratch an itch, but more power. It felt like an OCD compulsion, I felt terrified, sort of driven by this force, to whip my sketchbook to the place where I drew Jasper, crunch up the drawing, ( I really didn't want to, it was my best work), and well, I ate it. I crumpled the drawing into a small ball and put it into my mouth and chew it. My face flushed with embarrassment as I got odd looks from those who noticed, though most people were preoccupied with the weather.

I didn't want to commute back home. The transit was getting more dangerous, and I didn't want to deal with my bitchy room-mate. I sort of just stayed under the tree, and I watched the sunset. It was around 5pm. Not knowing what to do, I reinstalled Tinder, I still had my profile so I just logged in. The profiles were banal as usual, John Davis, accountant, 24 ; Marlboro Wilson, wtf? Mustafa Eglinton, well you know the drill. I swiped left on all these profiles out of habit, though then I saw one that made me freeze. Jasper Oralson. He had the same washboard abs, crystal blue eyes, cupid lips, platinum blonde hair, and beautiful smile that I imagined. I couldn't believe it, from some coincidence, I imagined a real guy. Maybe my imagination was based off on some actor, and this was some coincidence? Weirdly enough, his bio showed 0.01 km from you? Must be some kind of fluke.

Maybe someone found my sketchbook and was playing a practical joke on me? I wasn't the most popular among my classmates. Not sure what to do, I swiped right. To my shock, it was a match! I immediately got a text,

"Hey Amelia, sorry about getting kicked out"

How the fuck did he know that I got kicked out. My god was someone catfishing and stalking me? I should be scared, though I felt nothing. Honestly, I didn't care very much if someone wanted to kill me. I was amused by it honestly.

"I'm right behind you Amelia"

I turned around. At this point, I was convinced it was a prank. Maybe my room mate found my sketchbook and was playing this cruel joke on me. "Jasper ORALson", really? Belle was enough of a bitch to do so. I turned around, and shockingly, there he was.

His crystal eyes seemed almost devoid of any life. When he touched my arm, he was cold, and he felt hard, like porcelain. He handed me a rose, and I accepted. It felt skeletal, but it looked as soft as any flower. I still wasn't scared, though I was perplexed. This wasn't a prank by Belle, this fucker wasn't human.

He was leaning in for a kiss. Honestly, fuck it, I had nothing better to do. I let him kiss me, and his lips felt just as solid and skeletal as the rose. Out of nowhere, he handed me a copy of my sketchbook. I looked through it, knowing I should be freaking out right now, though I just felt numb. I flipped through the book, and it's drawings were identical to mine, save for the drawing of jasper. He held my hand and made me trace over it, the drawing had the same skeletal feeling. He was smirking at me. I couldn't read his expression, his eyes seemed devoid of all human emotion, and he was still holding my arm. I figured he'd be at least a bit more charismatic, considering he wasn't a person. Like come on dude, try a bit harder.

Gripping my hand harder, he said.

"Baby, I'll get you on the dean's list?"

Baby. Fucking baby? Really?

"All you have to do is draw a baby sheep in a 15 cm by 15 cm space, in no less than 10 minutes after I leave."

He kissed me on the cheek, and I was still numb.

"Goodnight baby"

Well now I sort of wanted to slap him. Though I managed a polite smile at this fucker. Then he disappeared. Oh how original of him.

So I did what he said, drew a small sheep in the center of the paper, that's what he wanted right? To be fair, I'm still not fully convinced my room mate Belle wasn't behind this. She could have put something in my water, got me high, then made the profile. She was smart enough to plan shit like this.

I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep under the tree till I woke up and saw a fucking sheep underneath me. It had fucking crystal blue eyes like Jasper's, gold-ish fur soaked in blood, platinum blonde hair wrapped around it's bleeding mouth. The hair around it was undamaged, and stayed the platinum colour despite blood flowing all round it. There were holes in it, like the way there are holes in cartoon cheese, and when I peered in, it was missing it's insides, though it smelled like it had been there for weeks, when I touched the hooves, I heard a voice in my head, no longer even slighly human. Imagine male siri on drugs, it was louder than a rock concert, screaming "MY LOVE MY LOVE MY LOVE MY LOVE. TOUCH THE NOSE MY LOVE TOUCH THE NOSE MY LOVE TOUCH THE NOSE MY LOVEEEE"

I was trembling at this point and was trying my best not to gag and I wanted the voice to stop so I did what he told me. The sheep fucking turned. It went inside out, the way you could turn a glove inside out on itself. It was messy with all the blood splattering everywhere. The head didn't turn inside out though and those crystal blue sheep eyes were staring right at me. Inside the sheep there was a gold inscription written in beautiful cursive. "My love".

It was like 3 in the morning and no one was there. I then felt the compulsion to check my grades, it felt like I had to, there was a feeling of utter doom and panic, that I hadn't felt in ages. I was somewhat impressed he could make me feel things despite my heavy dose of anti-depressants. Though at this point, I was quite positively terrified and didn't feel in control of myself as I logged into the portal and I saw all eighties.

I looked over at the dead sheep, and it had disappeared. I received a text from Jasper on Tinder,

"I'm so sorry my love. To avoid unintended mishaps, please follow my instructions to the utmost precision or we make him angry. If you are dissapointed, unmatch, and you'll never hear from me again"

Why does he talk like chat gpt? Should I unmatch?



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SteamingTheCat t1_j9n7j9q wrote

I fear you are hallucinating. This can be easily checked.

On your next "episode", take a picture or ask a random person what/who they see in front of you. Mumble something about new glasses or poor eyesight as an explanation.

If you have the money or are in a better country, also make a shrink appointment.


Lacygreen t1_j9nfjck wrote

So did he get you back into school? Is the sheep the sacrifice to get you back on track?


monkner t1_j9o1pxg wrote

Hamburger first, then decisions.


HappyMan476 t1_j9r08um wrote

Well, did he taste good? You ate the drawing, if he tastes good, you gotta keep him.