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Captain_Bitsy t1_jdh8v0z wrote

Your boyfriend sounds like he was bossy and controlling


ArtIntoArtemis OP t1_jdkahn6 wrote

In hindsight, he 100% was...


Captain_Bitsy t1_jdkmy54 wrote

I’m sorry you had to go through that I’ve been through similar experiences if you ever want to talk

He was probably also lying about his ex being crazy


ArtIntoArtemis OP t1_jdkoobw wrote

Thank you, I really appreciate it and sorry you've had similar experiences! And yeah I'm pretty sure his ex wasn't as crazy as he made her out to be now...


RepulsiveFish8574 t1_jdkt8uz wrote

More like verbally abusive, condescending, and controlling. Sorry, OP 😞