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cabezatuck t1_je61hhy wrote

Alternate realities get a bad rep, i.e. Event Horizon, Hellraiser, Silent Hill, etc. Why cant anyone ever travel to a dimension where there is a 4 day work week, cheap eggs and no income tax?


Jrlopez1027 t1_je62n4f wrote

The possibility of something bad happening is alot more likely then something optimal happening - me 2023


DelcoPAMan t1_je5swle wrote

Maybe someone stepped on a butterfly?


Accomplished_Way439 t1_je5zbip wrote

Isn't it interesting just how much a little act can change the timestream? Perhaps the Mandela effect can possibly be someone messing around with time travel, which is why many remember it differently.


DelcoPAMan t1_je634zp wrote

The Mandela effect?


Accomplished_Way439 t1_je63hll wrote

Yes, The Mandela effect is when a group of people misremembers a historical event or person or thing which is why I said it could be possible someone could have changed something that could have caused that.


mike8596 t1_je6d55k wrote

Right time, wrong universe.


acreekofsoap t1_je6gx4h wrote

Better go pick up some $AMZN stock. And register some internet domains while the getting’s good


SanalAmerika23 t1_je6ffg4 wrote

Can i ask you something ? When you are in 2000 , pls kill someone for me.