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RagicalUnicorn t1_jdim1f7 wrote

Tell me this, was the register light end of shift? I'm afraid you've fallen for the oldest trick in the book, the ol 'two hippies and a ghost dog' ruse.


chef_fuzzy OP t1_jdim59q wrote



RagicalUnicorn t1_jdimik3 wrote

Your cash register, was it light/missing cash when you did the count? Any stock missing?


chef_fuzzy OP t1_jding07 wrote

lol no. I had to do inventory at the start and end of shift.

Nothing was ever missing when I was working, I did my job.

It was only a summer job ay a gas station and I was a kid but I still took it seriously as I was accountable for a upwards of a couple grand cash and a bunch of stock like cigarette and lottery every shift.