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International-Fee255 t1_jc9ithb wrote

Seriously, just go vegan ! And honestly these curses that pass through generations, we don't even use them anymore because the person who effect everything up in the first place doesn't even suffer anymore. But, like, vegan amd you can eat what you want when you want.


RavensQueen502 t1_jc9nn80 wrote

Not to rain on your parade, but the generational curses are there for a reason - we can't have the culprit suffer only in a single birth. They need to be haunted through all the lives they take. This particular curse will last as long as the cannibal keeps reincarnating.


International-Fee255 t1_jc9ogly wrote

Bit it's not the same person through the generations... to be reborn once a generation and have to suffer the consequences... definitely worth a curse. But to curse future generations of the family who don't even know what happened, that's a useless use of such power. It's like punishing every child in the house when one breaks the rules, but not telling the others what rule was broken and sometimes giving them a different punishment than the original rule breaker. Makes no sense! I'm sure there's an occult book out there that teaches you really good curses like 10 paper cuts every day with random days off so you think it's gone but it keeps coming back, but just for the person who did wrong, you know? And I would be super vegan by now, it doesn't seem like OP can't eat anything after 6pm, just meat so I wouldn't find that too difficult. But I suppose if nobody tells you your entire body is good to melt away you'd probably take a chance!


RavensQueen502 t1_jc9pv4w wrote

Well, there is one problem with generational curses - they are a bit difficult to...let's say program accurately.

The first few generations - three is the usual number, though I've known cases that go up to seven - it works as intended. Only the target suffers.

But after that, things deteriorate a bit. Like in this case, becomes unpredictable. Brings in collateral damage.

Of course, by the time that stage is reached, most curses just deteriorate too far to have any effect. OP's ancestor must have pissed off someone seriously powerful - or something immortal - if the curse is still effective even now.

And the vegan thing... Don't know about OP, but such curses often have clauses that will shut out such escape routes. Maybe a craving for meat, or health issues that require a non vegetarian diet...


International-Fee255 t1_jc9v8jz wrote

I wonder if multiple generational curses would dilute the effects or change them? Maybe cursed families are attracted to each other? Truly fascinating.