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maohvixen t1_it05enn wrote

If you're trying to say it's not his fault he kicked Wilfred I suggest rereading that section of the post. He might have done it accidentally, but he shouldn't really have been running through the house anyways even if he wanted to clean his shoes asap. The thirty seconds he would've saved won't change much and it's a tripping risk (or a cat kicking one). Also asking what is wanted of him is if you kick a cat hard enough to fling said cat into a wall it's common decency to stop and make sure it's okay. That can severely injure the poor cat, but he decided his shoes were more important than a pet he himself had personally agreed to take care of. I'd say it's 100% his own fault. The cat didn't hit a running person, so much as he hit it.


taylor212834 t1_it08ike wrote

He doesn't deserve to die for that shit lol like you cats get in the way all the time I routinely run into my cats like "oh fuck why are you right there" they run and follow behind me of course I make sure they're OK but that doesn't mean I should die l yall wild


maohvixen t1_it0a5uh wrote

No one said he should die, we called him cruel for neglecting the cats and potentially injuring one and then deciding to quit taking care of the cats entirely deciding to only show up to grab his shoes without informing their owner of his intent to no longer feed or care for her pets. I'd say what he did was cruel and while he didn't necessarily deserve death it was an unfortunate consequence of not following the rules set out which he had agreed to. These rules exist for a reason.


HatRabies t1_it5oe8p wrote

You're not wrong. But everyone here is gonna take the cats side because nosleep is a little weird.


taylor212834 t1_it5xqjh wrote

Right that's wild they think tripping over an animal is even close to an acceptable penance for death


taylor212834 t1_it5xuyt wrote

Right that's wild they think tripping over an animal is even close to an acceptable penance for death


HatRabies t1_it61rgw wrote

Yeah I mean I love my cat to death but my eyes suck so I trip over that little baby somewhat frequently. She gets an apology and headpats.

Here's hoping she isn't plotting to murder me for tripping on her accidentally.