Submitted by usiriczman t3_y8b4cd in nosleep

I'm a single dad and I don't know what to do. I'm scared for my son's safety.

It's been a long time since I've been out in the suburbs. I moved out to the city after my divorce, and I never looked back. But now, here I am, moving back to the suburbs with my son. It was the only place I could afford after my ex-wife got the house in the divorce. I hated it out here. It was so quiet and boring. But, I had to do what was best for my son.

I'm on a budget so all I could rent was a small, two-bedroom, single-story house. The front door is a heavy, metal door with a small window. The windows are large and have metal bars on them. The walls are thin and the ceilings are low. The floors are hardwood. There are no carpets.

The inside of the house is sparsely furnished. There is a small living room with a couch and a TV. The walls are bare and there are no pictures or decorations. My wife was into interior design, I'm not against it but I don't have the bandwith right now.

There is a small kitchen with a fridge, a stove, and a sink. The bathroom is small and has a shower, a toilet, nothing fancy. There are two bedrooms, each with a bed, a dresser and a closet. I took the small bedroom and left the large one for Simon, my son.

His bedroom is a typical kid's room, but there is something different about it. Since we moved in last year I've percieved it has a dark, eerie feeling to it. The walls are a dark color, the hardwood floor is old and worn. The room is dim, even during daytime. The door is slightly ajar, but the windows close perfectly and have double glass, isolating the room from any sounds from the outside. The closet is full of my son's clothes, but I think there's something else in there. Something that shouldn't be.

This is when I decided to keep a journal of what's going on. I'll copy what I have so far so you have context of what's been going on.

- Entry 1: I hired a new babysitter to watch my son while I'm at work. The first few months were tough. I was working long hours at the office and then coming home late to see my son. He's a big boy and is most of the day at school, but I was exhausted, no energy for quality time with him. But with a babysitter in the house we made it work. We found a routine and things started to settle down.

Her name is Chloe and she seems like a really nice girl. She's always smiling and my son took to her right away. I think I have finally found someone I could trust to leave my son with.

Chloe was something else. She's young and fresh-faced, with long blonde hair that cascaded down her back. She's attending the local community college so she babysits in her spare time. She wants to move out of her parents home next year.

- Entry 2: I sometimes find my son standing in the middle of his room, staring at the closet door. He won't speak to me, and he won't come out of his room. I don't know what he's doing in there, but it scares me. I sometimes hear strange noises coming from his room at night. Creaking floors, rustling clothes, and soft footsteps.

- Entry 3: Lately I've been feeling there's something off about Chole. Maybe it was the way she always seems to be watching my son, never blinking, her gaze never wavering. Or maybe it's the way she always is standing in the shadows, never quite in the light. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

- Entry 4: I started finding Chloe in Simon's room when I came home from work. She would always be in the closet or under the bed, watching my son and singing a strange lullaby I've never heard before. It freaked me out a bit, both the lullaby and her being in random places, but always hidden? Simon is way past the age for lullabies, so I found this odd. I asked her about it and she just smiled that almost perfect smile and told me with her quiet voice that they were just playing. On paper it looks like everything is ok, but I'm not sure.

- Entry 5: I began to watch her more closely. I noticed that she would always be in my son's room when I leave, and by the look of everything else in the house, it looks like she never comes out until I get home. I can't prove it, but I know something isn't right.

- Entry 6: I woke up tonight around 3:30 am. I think I heard that freaking lullaby song Chole was singing a couple of weeks ago. I thought that maybe Simon woke up and is singing it to himself or something, but I just checked in on him and he's sound asleep. I'm going back to bed.

- Entry 7: I'm getting more and more convinced that Chloe is up to something. I've been finding evidence that she's been in my son's room, or at least inside my house, when neither of us are home. His closet door is always slightly open, and I know I close it when I leave. There's a glass in the sink, like someone used it to drink water and just left it there. I just finished setting up a camera and I'm gonna watch the recording when I get home.

- Entry 8: I got home later than usual today. I payed Chloe, she left and that was it. I made dinner for Simon and I, he went to his bedroom and I opened my laptop to watch the footage. At first I didn't see anything, but then I noticed the closet door was open. I zoomed in and I just saw darkness, but in the last 30 seconds I could hear that cursed lullaby. Then I realized it's not the recording, I'm watching live footage. So of course I barged into Simon's room, carried him outside and called the police. What else could I do? If Chole was still here at 2am there was something definitely wrong with her. A patrol was here in 5 minutes. They just left. The closet was empty. I'm. Freaking. Out.

- Entry 9: Maybe I'm losing my mind. Or I don't know what the hell is going on. I just woke up. It's 3 am and I'm sending this from my phone. Now I'm hearing the lullaby coming from inside my closet. If I don't update, please call the police.



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anxiousanimosity t1_iszn59q wrote

Ok so hear me out...this is why I can't have kids. Lol


luckymasie t1_it063sg wrote

We can’t call the police if we don’t know where you live. Hopefully it won’t come to that. My advice for you? Fire Chloe, grab your essentials, grab your kid, and book it. Don’t wait to stay there. Rent somewhere else, take a loan out if you have to, and get out of that house. Something else lives there, and I don’t think it likes roommates.


FluffyDogSoul t1_it12dja wrote

This is why i keep my clpsset full of stuff I never use, no room for strangers looking for "something" :)

Also, I suggest you use the text thing for police. Send your location and main details


vaitum t1_it1brr2 wrote

Make sure it's day, place clear quartz all around the closet, add a lock on the closet and move your son's clothes to a drawer or cabinet, burn incense and smudge sticks in the closet, hang a crucifix near the closet and above your son's bed, line the floor at the closet door with salt. Also use water, and draw the PENTAGRAM (protection against evil entities) UNDER your son's bed or above his bed on the ceiling. Add a clear quartz at every corner of the room

If it's too much, at the very least, block your son's access to the closet, you'll need more than a lock because it's easy for entities to unlock things like that.

Children are young and able to see entities and spirits better, due to their developing mind and their vulnerability that doesn't quite scare the spirits. If there is something in there, it could lure him into the closet and hurt him or do something to his mind. Soon enough the entity will start to attempt to talk to him, and make him do dangerous things. Fire Chloe, find a new babysitter- (MAKE SURE SHE LEAVES THE HOUSE AND HAS NO ACCESS BACK IN) Lock the windows after she has left, lock the doors.


FacelessArtifact t1_it9iire wrote

Stop letting him into that room!!! Seal off that room completely. Don’t let him sleep alone. Drag your mattress to the living room for him to sleep on while you sleep on the couch. Anything that was in or near the closet must stay in the sealed off room. Obviously, never let Chloe in again. Have you met her parents? Do they even exist? Contact your landlord. Who were the previous tenants? Did they leave suddenly? Get out asap. You can do most of this research from your car/work/ motel, etc.