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Wishiwashome t1_it64gbx wrote

Never home! WTH! Long ago little sister and I had gone on a one day trip. We were heading to find a motel room. This was circa 1980s. No cell phones, GPS. Paper map books. A 20 and 16 yo on a country road. A cop with lights on pulls up behind us, lights flashing. Little sister asks me why I am not pulling over by driving faster. I don’t want her to worry and just say I will pull over as soon as we get to a convenience store lot. Eventually we got there. The “cop” flies by us. Folks, NEVER stop on a country road! Fast forward many years to today, I can’t tell you the times I have broken that rule, I just stated. Why? My area is off of a major highway and MANY unsavory morons assault people as they get a flat tire, engine trouble, run out of gas, detour etc. I know who lurks out here. There are places where looking different or being considered vulnerable will get you HURT or worse. Rural America is NOT a friendly place.