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FacelessArtifact t1_itx0xin wrote

Not really. Whole forests are destroyed to raise cattle. Meat is unsustainable. We raise more food (corn esp) to feed the cattle than to feed us humans.


Blooddraken t1_ityhqbl wrote

And it was us common folk who made that necessary. I grew up in Iowa. And I've worked in cornfields in the middle of summer. Which sucked. Corn is very very itchy.

Anyways, Corn, and many other fruits and vegetables, come in grades.

First Grade: Human Consumption.

Second Grade: Animal consumption. Wanna know the difference between human corn and animal corn? Its appearance. Humans don't like ugly foods.

And the Third Grade of corn is industrial. Mainly Ethanol.


pamperedthrowaway t1_itydtfe wrote

You've probably heard it before but I am honestly surprised you haven't been showered in downvotes


FacelessArtifact t1_iu52jd4 wrote

I’m not a vegetarian. Lol. I love a good hamburger! But, I do believe there will be a time (sooner rather than later), when we will stop mass production of meat, esp cows. I expect there will be “private”, underground (prob not literally!) production of cows for the very elite rich folks. I also truly believe there will be “water wars”. That is far more deadly and closer to affecting our lives.