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CandiBunnii t1_ix1tk2b wrote

Can I ask what exactly those pills you take are for?

I feel like that may potentially explain some things.


LavenderBoombox t1_ix1xljx wrote

it may also be worth asking why she thinks her ex would be paying people to do this to her 🤔


tmn-loveblue t1_ix2qaii wrote

Very good point. A case of hallucination would explain all of these problems. Perhaps no one was ever hiding their faces, even in the original photograph, the friend may be seeing the man tilting his head down or something but OP seeing him covering his face.


kat_Folland t1_ix591ah wrote

Sure, paranoid delusions.

The pills might be propanol, I feel like those are blue and it's sometimes used to treat anxiety.


zaniathin t1_ix5n7fl wrote

It’s mostly used to treat nightmares or the physical side of anxiety. Xanax can be blue too


mistahj0517 t1_ix6j6ty wrote

yes, they mention that 'something' can't happen again, i wonder what that event was all about?


tmn-loveblue t1_ix6qpel wrote

Good catch! It really does sound like she has problems with panic attacks.