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Emily-Spinach t1_ivb6i60 wrote

I’m sure he could hear everything. I have a very weird sneeze (every time I sneeze in public I get laughs and a comparison: bus brakes, cat sneezes, windex being sprayed, a soda dispenser. Doesn’t bother me, I laugh at it). My seven month old babies sneeze exactly the same way. Could that even be genetic or did they learn to sneeze from hearing mine? Blows my mind—I’ve never heard anyone else sneeze that way.


CandiBunnii t1_ivb8eqi wrote

I don't think I've ever wanted to hear a stranger sneeze so badly in my life lol


Emily-Spinach t1_ivbywkj wrote

😂😂 they’re just back-to-back (like immediately back-to-back) little sneezes, like little short quick sneezes; imagine just saying “ch” again and again— “ch-ch-ch-ch”—and put that with what a cat sounds like when it sneezes. My mouth does what any other sneezers mouth does, just short short in quick succession My record is 14 in a row and my typical is 6-7. My babies usually do 3-4, but maybe they’ll level up, haha.

And now I am done with my sneezing dissertation

EDIT: I went with the cat comparison because imo, it’s the most accurate and the one I hear most often. The bus brake one is also pretty apt