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t1_iwsxn1p wrote

Curious, I haven't heard anyone else say it's not a coincidence that OP is alone. What do you propose happened?


t1_iwsy5wt wrote

Not too sure tbh. It just seemed too coincidental that the sister happened to leave the door open despite the rules being constantly drilled into them. Also wouldn’t one of the parents want to stay home to make sure something like this doesn’t happen?


t1_iwt1dwl wrote

It is somewhat suspect. I saw another commenter (TheArmchairLegion) suggest that the reason the parents don't move somewhere else is that the entity messes with their mind to ensure that it's prey always remains nearby. If that comment is to be believed, then it is possible it has singled OP out. Could be an interesting theory.


t1_iwtib8e wrote

I think this was planned by parents and sister. Op is a sacrfice due to the thing getting more aggressive. Maybe it will back off for a bit if it takes her. Parents need to dance to the music they wrote, themselves - not their kids! Op call anyone for help - including sis!