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fafnir0319 t1_iy561ia wrote

So, what happens if one of those things gets out? I mean, what are the possible environmental impacts, and what danger to the general public do they present? Also what, if any, containment procedures would be implemented?


GTripp14 OP t1_iy68ha9 wrote

Caverna has recovery teams in the event that they make it out of the facility, but it hasn't happened.


Ecologically, I am sure they would wipe out wildlife in their given area. They routinely attack and devour humans when given the chance.

If a recovery team ever had to collect an escaped specimen, I'd say they wouldn't leave witnesses.


HAgaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy t1_iy8wbqn wrote

If it ever happens while you’re there and you live to tell the tale we would all be eager to listen!