Submitted by DoYouBelieveInThat t3_z8xzg5 in nosleep

In 2022, documents on the disappearances of the Plain-View Neighborhood Association were leaked on Halloween. This is exactly three years to the date of the disappearances themselves. What was considered a popular and somewhat spooky mystery turned into a complicated PR disaster with far more sinister undertones than expected. No one is exactly sure why they were leaked, but nonetheless, what appears below is the transcript of the Associations’ Group Chat.

Anyone with information that may be of use in solving these disappearances are encouraged to come forward. We also strongly encourage any linguists familiar with Latin or Greek to come forward. Some grammatical corrections were introduced for readability without compromising the original intent of the messages.

Trigger Warning: Some language may be seen as offensive, outdated, or political in nature.

Thursday, 31st October, 2019

(8.15) Emily: Happy Halloween Gang!

(8.16) Gary: Happppy Halloween boys and girls!

(8.16) Daisy: Their are fireworks going off already, Odin is shaking like a leef : (

(8.18pm) Gary: There* leaf*

(8.19pm) Daisy: Thanks Gary -.-

(8.19pm) Emily: LOL Gary

(8.25pm) Brian: Well, celebrations are in order, Emily! Love Brian & Grace. We heard the great news!

(8.27pm) Grace: Awhhh who could forget! Congrats, Ems.

(8.28pm) Daisy: Sad to see you go, babes. Drinks this weekend?

(8.30pm) Agnes: Pastitsio for dinner xoxo Agnes.

(8.30pm) Grace: Wrong chat Agnes.

(8.33pm) Brian: Once again Agnes, this is the Neighborhood Association and NOT your family group chat.

(8.35pm) Emily: Thanks everyone! I hate that I have to go, but you guys made the neighborhood.

(8. 35pm) Gary: Who bought it?

(8.37pm) Emily: A lovely young couple. From Vermont. Planning for a few kids, so they wanted a fresh start. They’ll keep up the standards as well. #PlainviewPride

(8.38pm) Gary: #PlainviewPride

(8.39pm) Brian: Bravo! A team player. Grace and I saw a few people snooping around the open house in June.

(8.45pm) Daisy: So did I!!!! was very worried. Where do they come from?

(8.47pm) Gary: Straight off the boat.

(8.47pm) Brian: Political correctness and all that, but we work hard to keep the place the way we want it, surely we can have SOME say in who comes in and who comes out.

(8.47pm) Brian: Plainview not Detroit! (Deleted)

(8.49pm) Daisy: Second this ^

(8.51pm) Emily: Trice this ^ lol

POINE Has Entered The Chat

(8.51pm) Gary: When are you leaving Ems?

(8.52pm) Emily: Probably just before Sept. Gotta sign off on some things, and the movers need at least 5 days.

((8.55pm) Gary: 5 days! I didn’t know Queen Elizabeth lived three doors down

(8.57pm) Daisy: RIP

(8.59pm) Brian: Daisy? You didn’t even know the woman.

(9.00pm) Daisy: I know. Just sad. That lil old lady. She was great

(9.01pm) Brian: We didn’t fight and win a war for you to become emotionally attached to the English.

(9.03pm) Daisy: Brian, you promised you would treat me nicer (Deleted)

(9.05pm) Gary: Alright Brian. Play nice with Daisy. We talked about this. Let’s not have a repeat of the third tower debate, shall we?

(9.06pm) Grace: Traffic is a nightmare!!! I said to Brian. Ever since they built those apartments last year it takes me like twice as long to get home. Pour me a glass of red and get a fire onnnnnn Brian!

(9.08pm) Emily: Lol. Love you Grace

(9.10pm) Gary: HA! Grace, did you see who they're shipping into them? From the container to the box. Where was my hand out when I was unemployed?

(9.12pm) Gary: Praise Alllah or Aluh or whatever, multiculturalism is our strength

(9.13pm) Emily: OMG Gary, you're actually the worst!! Hahahaha

(9.14pm) Brian: If a person is not a liberal when he is twenty, he has no heart; if he is not a conservative when he is forty, he has no head.

(9.15pm) Grace: You guys know I don't like this type of conversation.

(9.15pm) Daisy: Wow. That's so smart Brian. How did you come up with that?

(9.16pm) Brian: Would you ever lighten up, Grace? (Deleted)

(9.16pm) POINE: Eye Spy With My Little Eye Something Beginning with G.

(9.16pm) Gary: Hey gang. What is a POINE?

(9.18pm) Brian: Weird. I did not add them into the chat. Let me check the privacy settings.

(9.18pm) Gary: Maybe a bot? Someone triggered a game?

(9.19pm) Emily: A game?

(9.20pm) Gary: Yeah. If you go to settings you can play chess with people in app. It’s kinda cool actually.

(9.21pm) Daisy: I don’t know how to play chess.

(9.22pm) Brian: Not the point.

(9.22pm) Brian: Anyway.

(9.22pm) Brian: Something beginning with G?

(9.23pm) Grace: Giraffe?

(9.24pm) POINE: Incorrect.

(9.25pm) Grace: Garage!!

(9.26pm) POINE: Incorrect.

(9.27pm) POINE: HINT: G-A-

(9.28pm) Emily: Gates?

(9.30pm) POINE: Incorrect

(9.31pm) Gary: Garden?

(9.33pm) POINE: Incorrect

(9.33pm) Grace: Giraffe?

(9.34pm) Gary: No need to trick or treat at Grace's tonight. Lights are on, but nobody is home (Deleted)

(9.34pm) POINE: Incorrect

(9.35pm) Emily: I give up!

(9.36pm) POINE: Time’s Up: The Answer Is: Gary.

(9.37pm) Emily: What?

(9.38pm) Brian: Ahhh, a secret admirer for good old Gary.

(9.40pm) Gary: Hah! Flattered but my wife may not approve of all this new found attention.

(9.40pm) Brian: Getting lucky tonight Gary? Lol

(9.41pm) Grace: HAHAHA!

(9.41pm) POINE: 1257.

(9.41pm) Gary: Woah, What the fuck?

(9.43pm) Brian: What?

(9.43pm) Grace: What Gary?

(9.43pm) Gary: That’s my house alarm system.

(9.45pm) Brian: You’re joking.

(9.45pm) Gary: Do I sound like I am FUCKING joking?

(9.45pm) POINE: Eye Spy With My Little Eye Something Beginning With K.

(9.45pm) Grace: I don’t like this game

(9.46pm) Brian: Nor I.

(9.46pm) Agnes: Plenty of Gyros for everyone! : ) xoxo Agnes


(9.47pm) Brian: Gary, this doesn’t give me an option to remove them.

(9.48pm) Emily: Settings? Remove members?

(9.49pm) Brian: Yes. Nothing.

(9.49pm) Gary: Figure it out! this is a total breach of my privacy

(9.49pm) Emily: You okay, Gary?

(9.50pm) Gary: No I’m not. I absolutely am fucking not one bit

(9.50pm) POINE: Time’s Up! The Answer Was KNIFE!

(9.51pm) POINE: As in the Dexter-Russell Knife in your kitchen, Gary.

(9.51pm) Grace: Gary, if this is your idea of a joke. This isn’t funny anymore.

(9.52pm) Brian: Agreed. This is a sick joke. I have reported the account.

(9.55pm) Emily: Gary, you there?

Gary Has Left The Chat

(9.57pm) Daisy: Omg…

(9.57pm) Daisy: WTF!

(9.57pm) Emily: This is some stupid prank right?? Please say it is.

(9.58pm) Emily: I tried calling him, nothing. Didn't even go through.

(9.59pm) Daisy: Is Gary okay?? Can someone go over to him? Check in?

(10.00pm) Brian: Relax Relax Tomorrow morning I’ll go over and sort this out. Everyone just calm down.

(10.01pm) Brian: You never know. This could be one of Gary's "funny" jokes. You know what he is like. I'll have some words with him tomorrow though. This one went way WAY too far.

(10.02pm) Emily: I cannot get through the the emergency services! Says they are at max capacity!

(10.02pm) POINE: Round 2. Eye Spy With My Little Eye Something beginning with I

(10.03pm) Emily: FUCK THIS.

(10.04pm) Brian: Honestly whoever you are, give it up.

(10.04pm) POINE: Clue: I-N

(10.05pm) Brian: No one is interested in this asinine game, asshole.

(10.05pm) POINE: Time’s Up. The Word Is infidelity.

(10.06pm) Daisy:

(10.06pm) Grace: What?

(10.07pm) POINE: Infidelity. Noun. Origin: From Middle French infidélité, from Latin infidelitas. Equivalent to infidel +‎ -ity.

“Infidelity is a violation of a couple's emotional and/or sexual exclusivity that commonly results in feelings of anger, sexual jealousy, and rivalry.”

Use in a sentence: Brian’s marriage to Grace will end due to his infidelity.

(10.08pm) Brian: Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are?

(10.08pm) Grace: Brian? What does that mean? Where are you? I am nearly home.

(10.09pm) POINE: Round 3. Eye Spy With My Little Eye Something Beginning With H.


(10.09pm) Grace: Actually, I would rather get some fucking answers now, Brian.

(10.10pm) Grace: You fucking piece of shit Brian. Tennis three times a week? You're such a liar. FUCK YOU (deleted)

(10.10pm) Brian: Not here, Grace.

(10.11pm) POINE: Time’s Up. It Is Homewrecker.

(10.12pm) Brian: Okay. That's it. This group chat is compromised. Everyone delete the app right now.

(10.13pm) Daisy: OMGGuys.

(10.12pm) Daisy: OMG

(10.13pm) Emily: What?

(10.14pm) Brian: What’s going on?

(10.15pm) Daisy: Someone downstairs Fuk fuck fcjd

(10.15pm) Daisy: Fuc

(10.15pm) Daisy: hiding. Brian plz come I hear it up the stairs

Daisy Has Left The Chat

(10.15pm) Brian: Daisy, what is going on?

(10.16pm) Brian: Stay there Daisy. I am going to come over

(10.17pm) Grace: Brian what the fuck?

(10.18pm) Brian: Stay there Daisy

(10.20pm) Grace: It's true isn't it? You fucking asshole. Fool me once

Grace Has Left The Chat

(10.20pm) Emily: Brian? You there

(10.25pm) Emily: Brian??

(10.50pm) Brian: Outside

(10.51pm) Brian: Bear with me Emily. Sending note. Hold on.

What follows is a audio note. Much of which is indiscernible, but Brian Heap relays information pertaining to the residency of Daisy Shaw. According to the audio note, two smashed windows and an unknown red substance was smeared on the walls of the kitchen. The substance, later confirmed as the common variety pomegranate states.

"Portitor has horrendus aquas et flumina servat terribili squalore Charon, cui plurima mento 300canities inculta iacet; stant lumina flamma, sordidus ex umeris nodo dependet amictus."

Grace Heap was ruled out as a potential person of interest. Odin was left unharmed.

(10.55pm) Brian: Jesus Christ. The place is a wreck AND the smell. Like burning meat.

(10.59pm) Brian: I found her Emily. I found Daisy.

(10.59pm) Emily: IS SHE OKAY???????? Please Brian, stay safe.

Brian Has Left The Chat

(11.02pm) Emily: fuck

(11.21pm) POINE: Round 4. Eye Spy With My Little Eye Something Beginning With R.

(11.21pm) Emily: Please stop this game. I am sorry we’re sorry Just please stop

(11.21pm) POINE: HINT: R-E


(11.23pm) POINE: CONGRATULATIONS! RED Was The Right Answer.

(11.23pm) Emily: I don’t understand

(11.33pm) Emily: Red what? What does it even mean??

(11.34pm) POINE: Red. Red is going to be the colour of that beautiful blue cardigan after I remove every organ in your body Emily Sinclair.

(11.34pm) Emily: What

(11.34pm) Emily: Please Please Stop Please

(11.34pm) Emily: Please Stop Please

(11.34pm) Emily: Please

(11.35pm) POINE: Final Round

(11.38pm) POINE: Eye Spy With My Little Eye Something Beginning With C.

(11.45pm) Emily: I have called my boyfriend. He will be here in like 5 minutes asshole.

(11.46pm) POINE: Hint: C-L

(11.47pm) Emily: FUCK YOU

(11.48pm) POINE: Hint: C-L-O

(11.49pm) Emily: WHAT? Clothes?

(11.49pm) POINE: Incorrect.

(11.49pm) POINE: Time’s Up. The Answer Was Closet.

(11.50pm) POINE: As In Turn Around You Bitch.

Emily Has Left The Chat

(11.51pm) POINE: Thanks For Playing.

(11.51pm) POINE: ἀεὶ κολοιὸς παρὰ κολοιῷ ἱζάνει.

POINE Has Left The Chat

(11.57pm) Agnes: Can someone please pick up cream for the apple pie? : ) xoxo Agnes.



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KYpineapple t1_iyebswv wrote

what do the not English phrases mean?


B_Moss18 t1_iyedf9v wrote

"Portitor has horrendus aquas et flumina servat terribili squalore Charon, cui plurima mento 300canities inculta iacet; stant lumina flamma, sordidus ex umeris nodo dependet amictus"

Translation: The bearer guards these terrible waters and rivers with the terrible squalor of Charon, on whose most numerous chin 300 gray hairs lie uncultivated; the lights are burning, the dirty cloak hangs from the shoulders in a knot

The other I cannot find a translation on...


urk870515 t1_iyejlt8 wrote

Seems to mean "birds of a feather flock together." I don't speak Greek, but I do make food for a living; everything ol' Agnes mentioned was a Greek dish.

EDIT: well, except the pie.

EDIT 2: Poine


GrantGorewood t1_iyf0txs wrote

Well considering Poine is involved, I think you may need to search for a few more bodies OP.

Maybe buried in the gardens.


Thagomizer24601 t1_iyf4449 wrote

Sounds like Agnes knows how to create an alibi...