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-Xx_CpS_xX- t1_iwckjyt wrote

Oh cool can I just marry one, "leave" 'em, come back and do it all again???


enderboylive OP t1_iwdisef wrote

No because they get sent back and mutilated if they’re divorced, unfortunately. It’s just the rules of our town. -Treasurer


Hour_Task_1834 t1_iwdt310 wrote

What if the spouse dies?


enderboylive OP t1_iwedc5b wrote

Unless you murder them, you’re fine. -The Mayor


-Xx_CpS_xX- t1_iwhq8c4 wrote

oh fu- so it doesn't work---- ah.. what if I fake the marriage? like that I do get married, but I have nothing to do with the one I marry?? that I just go on my life and marry again with the towns people, always changing my identity(so that the priests or smth won't start suspecting that something could be wrong))