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TheCount2111 t1_j1cfh60 wrote

I think people are missing the very pertinent point about how the cycle of abuse/hurt is generational, and how insidious it is.

Then again this is reddit so I'm not surprised to see every comment totally missing this and ree-ing for OPs death


RagicalUnicorn t1_j1en0d9 wrote

Mmm, sure but that only goes so far. Yes it's generational and causes scars and trauma, but it's still personal choice to continue that abuse onwards and at that point cannot be used to excuse anything; people need to be accountable, when they aren't it turns very very dark.


TheCount2111 t1_j1gedab wrote

Oh absolutely it's a choice to at least try to be better. Accountability is key. I was simply stating that those wishing death on her is a bit one dimensional


RagicalUnicorn t1_j1gguhl wrote

It is a bit extreme but also, she is holding her daughter hostage emotionally, disapproves of her lifestyle choices and is trying to manipulate her into 'living correctly', kept what seems to be a family of sentient creatures captive for her entertainment, tried to manipulate them into changing their beliefs, murdered their daughter, then tortured and threatened so they would obey her as a God.. People been killed for much, much less. And in this scenario I feel its very much a fuck around and find out/talk shit get hit situation.

Like honestly, let's say you and yours were in the situation of the Happes, and you got the chance to get free/get justice, how would you act? Gotta tell ya, I would be doing breakdance moves up in her skull double time and lose not a wink of sleep, her choices and actions quickly veered into outright fucking evil.