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d92me9dk2osi t1_j4qbl13 wrote

I think OP struck a bargain with her. To tell this story so naysayers will attempt it and recreate the ritual allowing her to gather more souls. In an effort keeping himself alive.


hey_guys23 t1_j4r1493 wrote

Imma bout to maybe do this. Probs chicken out lol


d92me9dk2osi t1_j4r1i6c wrote

Hey if you chicken out just know she's going to go back for OP because one less person for her to claim. Good choice... Or what if she already got OP and SHE'S writing this?


hey_guys23 t1_j4vc5t8 wrote

Update: I did in fact chicken out


d92me9dk2osi t1_j4vso2a wrote

It's a good thing you did. Who knows what kind of torture she had in store for you. She might've had another story typed up just for you to "make"