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MotherofPuppos t1_j32hw7n wrote

Just leave some food out for him and scamper. I’m sure he’ll eventually grow to accept you as the bringer of sustenance.

But who just leaves their dog?? Girl, you can do better. Leshy and the bannik get it.

ETA: could this be an elaborate plot by cas, the bannik and leshy to make you get over jacek? Only half joking.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j32nxsv wrote

I'll do that, but I don't rightly know if I want that thing to be affectionate with me. I know its origins, and while I do have sympathy for the pup, I don't wanna be its mom.

Bringer of sustenance is an acceptable role.

Well, the dog isn't exactly a lap dog either. It's wild. I guess it got KIND of attached to Jacek? Dunno. Jacek's heartless anyways.

But ofc I can do better. I can do, like, a lot of people. And hey, I'm over him! I'm totally over him.

I swear.


MotherofPuppos t1_j32q8z5 wrote

Yeah, despite my username, I’m not telling you to take a dog that’s basically been feral for a decade and put it in a sweater 😂


PandaBennington t1_j32rc7f wrote

"I swear."

That's why we don't talk about Jacek. 🤣


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j32sr87 wrote

Huh? Wdym? Sorry but I'm dense


PandaBennington t1_j32swbg wrote

You're not over Jacek.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j32uf0r wrote

Dude like I SO am. For real.


PandaBennington t1_j32vpxk wrote

We won't talk about it. 😉


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j3323jw wrote

We don't have to! There's nothing TO talk about because I'm OVER him. Seriously.


Dragonfly21804 t1_j339cht wrote

Random question but is Jacek human? I'm thinking no, but I'm not sure.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j339o6z wrote

Depends on how loosely you're willing to define that.


PandaBennington t1_j33pf6q wrote

I'm guessing he's a God.. but if he is I can't quite pin down which one since well.. we don't talk about Jacek. Lol